i think that Biden can be just as bad, in a different direction. And try comparing Trump's first 6 months to Biden's, instead of comparing Trump's first 6 months out of office to Biden's first 6 months in. Objectively, Joe Biden is making policy decisions that benefit himself and his elitist handlers to the detriment of most Americans.
This is not based in reality.
Biden respects and abides by the democratic process and the rule of law.
That ALONE makes him a better and less dangerous President than Trump.
That's how low these cunts have set the bar.
and there's a schism in the Republican party, the media (MSM and Tech) is playing up the minority because it drives views. The Rs that I talk to outside of the Internet are just waiting for the "America First" team to get side-tracked by some other shiny diversion.
There is no schism in the GOP.
That's the problem.
Liz Cheney was the #3 Republican in the House, and the daughter of the Republican Vice President on 9/11.
She voted with Trump 93% of the time.
Then she said that Biden won the election, Trump lost, there was no massive fraud and Republicans need to accept that and take the L.
Saying that got her fired.
That's what the Republican Party is now. A personality cult.
Mitt Romney at the
Utah Republican Convention, getting booed. For what? For saying that Biden is the lawfully elected President.
View: https://youtu.be/qtgT9S6BbOQ
That's not the minority.
More than two-thirds of Republican voters think that Biden is not the lawfully elected rightful President. They didn't arrive at that level of retardation by accident. They were programmed by a
years-long, full court press of lies and conspiracy garbage.