General New Zealand weightlifter Laurel Hubbard becomes the first trans Olympian.

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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021

43 years old. The sixth oldest weightlifting Olympian ever.

Was a male until beginning hormone therapy at age 35. Never achieved anything in competitive weightlifting as a male.



John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Personally, I think this is disgraceful. I have nothing against transgendered people living with dignity and being treated with compassion, but this is taking the piss. In my view, this is a deeply selfish individual. How can she go to the Olympics, knowing that she's taking the place of a natural born woman? How can she compete against natal women and feel any sense of real achievement if she wins?


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017

43 years old. The sixth oldest weightlifting Olympian ever.

Was a male until beginning hormone therapy at age 35. Never achieved anything in competitive weightlifting as a male.


i hate it

im not sure if i know anyone personally who has undergone a sex change, but one of my best friends identifies as non-binary. so i try to remember calling her "human" as often as possible. and when i mess up, human doesnt care. because we are friends.

i also believe that adults should do what they want to do in the limited time we have in this magical, mysterious thing we call life

Combat Sports

i am 100% against men who have transitioned to women competing in combat sports as it is dangerous

Highschool Sports
i am also against men who identity as women competing in highschool sports, because i am also against the current american collegiate system. and the way it is now, people work hard for athletic scholarships so as to get into school. its bullshit for naturally born women to be at a disadvantage physically, and thus, have their entire lives reshaped because of unfair competition

World Competitions
same goes for olympics, world cups, etc. its unfair

Professional Sports
i havent thought about professional entertainment sports, such as women's soccer or women's basketball, but i probably believe its unfair there as well

Children's Sports
i havent thought through this much, but as of now, i dont believe minors should be allowed to undergo hormone therapy. but with that said, in non-combat sports (such as bowling, golf, tennis, etc), if a boy identifies as a girl, i think it may be okay to let the child compete against girls. i may be wrong here. but for now, id say that the benefit to the trans child outweighs the butthurt from the losers. and long-term, the losers may become more determined, better athletes as a result

The Big Guy

I hope her dick doesnt pop out while shes competing

Edited post.

They changed the amount of testosterone "women" can have and now its 10nmol/L this shows some levels normal women can have and this trans is allowed to be 10 or under. Seems unfair

"Bekker and Tannenbaum argued there were no clear lines in the sand about what a “male” or “female” level of testosterone was, pointing to one study in which 74 of 446 male athletes had testosterone levels below the “normal male” lower limit of 8.4 nmol/L while 32 of 234 female athletes had levels above the upper “normal female” limit of 2.7 nmol/L. Eleven female athletes had levels over 8 nmol/L."

Normal limits for women 2.7 this man is gonna be coming in at 10 and it's fair because of his identity crisis lol
Heres the new rules which seems to have made this dude eligible. Changing the rules as we go along to allow this disgrace at the Olympics

"The new guidelines require only that trans woman athletes declare their gender and not change that assertion for four years, as well as demonstrate a testosterone level of less than 10 nanomoles per liter for at least one year prior to competition and throughout the period of eligibility."
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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
i hate it

im not sure if i know anyone personally who has undergone a sex change, but one of my best friends identifies as non-binary. so i try to remember calling her "human" as often as possible. and when i mess up, human doesnt care. because we are friends.

i also believe that adults should do what they want to do in the limited time we have in this magical, mysterious thing we call life

Combat Sports

i am 100% against men who have transitioned to women competing in combat sports as it is dangerous

Highschool Sports
i am also against men who identity as women competing in highschool sports, because i am also against the current american collegiate system. and the way it is now, people work hard for athletic scholarships so as to get into school. its bullshit for naturally born women to be at a disadvantage physically, and thus, have their entire lives reshaped because of unfair competition

World Competitions
same goes for olympics, world cups, etc. its unfair

Professional Sports
i havent thought about professional entertainment sports, such as women's soccer or women's basketball, but i probably believe its unfair there as well
I believe that combat sports is the litmus test.

Do you think that people who went through male puberty and then took 2 years of hormones in their 20s or 30s, should be able to compete against natal females in full-contact professional kickboxing, boxing or mixed martial arts fights?


Then you don't think that any transwoman should compete against any natal women in any sports, I'm sorry.

Children's Sports
i havent thought through this much, but as of now, i dont believe minors should be allowed to undergo hormone therapy. but with that said, in non-combat sports (such as bowling, golf, tennis, etc), if a boy identifies as a girl, i think it may be okay to let the child compete against girls. i may be wrong here. but for now, id say that the benefit to the trans child outweighs the butthurt from the losers. and long-term, the losers may become more determined, better athletes as a result
Pre-puberty transition should be off limits regardless, IMO. There's a reason why children aren't allowed to do basically anything legally. How many Instagram-obsessed gender-fluid pre-teen kids DESPERATELY want to be trans, because they've just never felt right in their body and that's the style of the time........ but then come back in ten years, and they're a happy and well-adjusted butch lesbian or effeminate gay man? Two gay people in my office say that's what they'd have done if it was being shoved down their throats as children. Now the idea horrifies them, as they outgrew that stage and are now comfortable and happy walking around as gay people in their original gender identities.

High school sports, transgirls should stay out. We want as many girls and young women to participate in sports as possible, and taking the field and seeing this waiting for them and competing against them for a college scholarship:

is not going to do anything to help girls and young women participate in sports.

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Monster's 11,ATM 2,Parlay Challenge,Hero GP Champ
Pro Fighter
Jan 23, 2015
Shit makes me fkn sick... Forcing their delusions of Grandeur onto the rest of society is the beginning of the end... Feelings mean more than truth/facts and you're prejudice if you don't bow down to this disgusting ideology.. I wish no harm and think trans ppl should get to live a happy life as long as there's lines that aren't crossed , but the moment ppl start pushing this shit on our Real women is the moment there is a huge problem that will only get worse.. Lastly, If you support the abuse of Testosterone replacement in children, you need your ass whipped..


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015

43 years old. The sixth oldest weightlifting Olympian ever.

Was a male until beginning hormone therapy at age 35. Never achieved anything in competitive weightlifting as a male.


Your new home ShatsBassoon @ShatsBassoon


Protecting America from excessive stool loitering
Dec 1, 2015
The problem for me is that people want to ban trannies from competing in women's sport but are happy to let dwarves compete in 'weight classes' - you're just creating all these artificial qualifiers. All of these problems would be solved if sports were simply:

Which cunt can run the fastest?

Which cunt can lift the heaviest object?

Which cunt can beat the shit out of all the other cunts?

Stop with the 'I could beat you if I wasn't an oompa loompa' problem and you stop the 'I'm the best at this out of people who no longer have dicks' problem.

It's always been a slippery slope. You take gnomes seriously, it leads to taking broads seriously, which leads to this tranny problem.

The Big Guy

The problem for me is that people want to ban trannies from competing in women's sport but are happy to let dwarves compete in 'weight classes' - you're just creating all these artificial qualifiers. All of these problems would be solved if sports were simply:

Which cunt can run the fastest?

Which cunt can lift the heaviest object?

Which cunt can beat the shit out of all the other cunts?

Stop with the 'I could beat you if I wasn't an oompa loompa' problem and you stop the 'I'm the best at this out of people who no longer have dicks' problem.

It's always been a slippery slope. You take gnomes seriously, it leads to taking broads seriously, which leads to this tranny problem.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
The problem for me is that people want to ban trannies from competing in women's sport but are happy to let dwarves compete in 'weight classes' - you're just creating all these artificial qualifiers. All of these problems would be solved if sports were simply:

Which cunt can run the fastest?

Which cunt can lift the heaviest object?

Which cunt can beat the shit out of all the other cunts?

Stop with the 'I could beat you if I wasn't an oompa loompa' problem and you stop the 'I'm the best at this out of people who no longer have dicks' problem.

It's always been a slippery slope. You take gnomes seriously, it leads to taking broads seriously, which leads to this tranny problem.
When you're right, you're right.


Who am I kidding? I’m a whore.
Amateur Fighter
Nov 15, 2015
I had a revelation recently about this subject. While I do have an opinion on it, it’s not my business. I’m not a woman. We should probably let the women decide this issue since it affects them. It doesn’t affect me in any way, so I just don’t give a shit anymore.

That being said, my opinion is that this is insanely unfair to biological women.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I think it's ridiculous, but I love how the all-inclusive crowd is getting this turned on their head.

Unintended consequences.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
just make the Men's division the Open-Gender division, and keep the Women's Division for people who were born women.