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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I believe that sparkuri @sparkuri believes most of the things he posts which is why I like him. Same with Enock-O-Lypse Now! @Enock-O-Lypse Now!
I've got no time for people posting conspiritard bullshit and then trying to hem and haw that posting it is not endorsing it when its fact checked. This is the favorite past time of twitterverse and why I slowed my use. It's all in bad faith and all just people baiting bullshit they know is bullshit and then refusing to back it up when put on the spot.

At least sparkuri @sparkuri comes to play and even if he doesn't want to admit it, he loves several of us are willing to engage it so he can beat us normies.
I don't mind sparkuri because he seems like a decent guy. But these conspiracy cunts aren't a joke or an amusement. They are a cancer that is seriously and legitimately ruining our societies, and America in particular. The utter contempt for learning and expertise, the near-total disregard for reality and the enthusiasm for anti-democracy authoritarianism is so, SO dangerous. And it's just stupid. It's based on pride of being ignorant and gullible. I don't understand it.

Agreed that sparkuri is definitely better than the utter cunts who parrot the conspiracy shit but deny it and act like they're above it all. The Masvidal type cunts who babble idiot garbage and then as soon as they're called out for being absolute retards, they go "What? I didn't say I believed it. I'm just asking questions, and telling people they need to do their own research." Those are by far the worst. At least sparkuri is honest about his bullshit.


Deleted member 1

I don't mind sparkuri because he seems like a decent guy. But these conspiracy cunts aren't a joke or an amusement. They are a cancer that is seriously and legitimately ruining our societies, and America in particular. The utter contempt for learning and expertise, the near-total disregard for reality and the enthusiasm for anti-democracy authoritarianism is so, SO dangerous. And it's just stupid. It's based on pride of being ignorant and gullible. I don't understand it.

Agreed that sparkuri is definitely better than the utter cunts who parrot the conspiracy shit but deny it and act like they're above it all. The Masvidal type cunts who babble idiot garbage and then as soon as they're called out for being absolute retards, they go "What? I didn't say I believed it. I'm just asking questions, and telling people they need to do their own research." Those are by far the worst. At least sparkuri is honest about his bullshit.


sparkuri @sparkuri almost made me buy a $900 Israeli gas mask for COVID
true story

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Yeah, I can't stand him and his Qanon retard bullshit. Anyone who promotes that braindead shit can die in a fire as far as I'm concerned. And I have listened to people die in fires, it's not a good way to go. But the Qanon level of dangerous retardation is something else entirely.


Deleted member 1

Yeah, I can't stand him and his Qanon retard bullshit. Anyone who promotes that braindead shit can die in a fire as far as I'm concerned. And I have listened to people die in fires, it's not a good way to go. But the Qanon level of dangerous retardation is something else entirely.


Qanon Is probably the most frustrating to me. It's literally a social reject just doing their best nostradamus impression and people have had essentially a religious response.
As somebody that grew up on forums, seeing discourse shaped by the chans is insane to me.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Qanon Is probably the most frustrating to me. It's literally a social reject just doing their best nostradamus impression and people have had essentially a religious response.
As somebody that grew up on forums, seeing discourse shaped by the chans is insane to me.
But wishing someone die in a fire over things they never said is cool? Gotcha.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
But wishing someone die in a fire over things they never said is cool? Gotcha.
You seem to think this Qanon shit is just vaguely amusing, or that these retards aren't a clear and pressing threat to American democracy itself.

It isn't, and they are. This shit isn't a game, and there are real and terrible consequences when such a large chunk of the population (and one of only two political parties) becomes so completely detached from reality and so in thrall to the personality cult of an authoritarian.


Speaker to Animals

May 16, 2021
You seem to think this Qanon shit is just vaguely amusing, or that these retards aren't a clear and pressing threat to American democracy itself.

It isn't, and they are. This shit isn't a game, and there are real and terrible consequences when such a large chunk of the population (and one of only two political parties) becomes so completely detached from reality and so in thrall to the personality cult of an authoritarian.

Consequences like someone getting shot because she had absolutely committed herself to what she'd been told.
A lie. A self serving, ego driven lie that nobody paid the price for but her.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Consequences like someone getting shot because she had absolutely committed herself to what she'd been told.
A lie. A self serving, ego driven lie that nobody paid the price for but her.
Well, there have been a lot of lives ruined.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Consequences like someone getting shot because she had absolutely committed herself to what she'd been told.
A lie. A self serving, ego driven lie that nobody paid the price for but her.
Consequences like a violent assault on and breaching of the US Capitol for the first time in more than two centuries, which is handwaved away and excused like

a) it's nothing

b) it was a setup by Antifa /the FBI

c) it had nothing to do with the months and years of CONSTANT lies by the right wing media and their authoritarian leader

d) it won't happen again, except worse and in more places, next election the Republicans lose

e) anything remotely similar is happening on the other side of the political divide

The near total lack of honesty about what happened and what/who caused it is extremely distressing and ominous and dangerous, when it's expanded to this many people.


Speaker to Animals

May 16, 2021
Consequences like a violent assault on the US Capitol for the first time in more than two centuries, which is handwaved away and excused like

a) it's nothing

b) it was a setup by Antifa /the FBI

c) it had nothing to do with the months and years of CONSTANT lies by the right wing media and their authoritarian leader

d) it won't happen again, except worse and in more places, next election

e) anything remotely similar is happening on the other side of the political divide

The near total lack of honesty about what happened and what/who caused it is extremely distressing and ominous and dangerous, when it's expanded to this many people.

I've been disappointed by Republican "leadership". I've never seen a party so gripped by the fear of crossing a single individual. Nixon was as much of a bullying asshole but at least colleagues were willing to address it back then.

I attribute all of it to our fascination with and endless love for whatever is shallow, and whomever is obnoxious.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
That's true. I figured my point would best be served by singling out a specific example of a life cut short.
That's not unreasonable. The thing that seems be lost in a lot of this by a lot people is that those who showed up to the capital building. Let's be honest, they didn't exactly have a lot going on. These were people who for whatever reason (mental illness, not very bright, or just losers) were going to be duped by someone. In this case it was a janitor who walked by a CIA building once, but these people weren't going to be overthrowing the government and installing a dictator. People pushing that narrative is laughable.

Also, sorry for the tangent that might seem out of nowhere.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I've been disappointed by Republican "leadership". I've never seen a party so gripped by the fear of crossing a single individual. Nixon was as much of a bullying asshole but at least colleagues were willing to address it back then.

I attribute all of it to our fascination with and endless love for whatever is shallow, and whomever is obnoxious.
Beautifully put.

Speaker to Animals

May 16, 2021
That's not unreasonable. The thing that seems be lost in a lot of this by a lot people is that those who showed up to the capital building. Let's be honest, they didn't exactly have a lot going on. These were people who for whatever reason (mental illness, not very bright, or just losers) were going to be duped by someone. In this case it was a janitor who walked by a CIA building once, but these people weren't going to be overthrowing the government and installing a dictator. People pushing that narrative is laughable.

Also, sorry for the tangent that might seem out of nowhere.
I couldn't follow your second sentence and it broke my brain, not your fault of course.

Idk man, they showed up as things were being finished out, feathered pens etc. Sure they were dopes, but when they did that stuff didn't seem like a coincidence. It seemed like a calculated attempt to disrupt a governmental process on the notion that they could affect the outcome. Not that they could. But that doesn't matter; they tried.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I couldn't follow your second sentence and it broke my brain, not your fault of course.

Idk man, they showed up as things were being finished out, feathered pens etc. Sure they were dopes, but when they did that stuff didn't seem like a coincidence. It seemed like a calculated attempt to disrupt a governmental process on the notion that they could affect the outcome. Not that they could. But that doesn't matter; they tried.
When you were watching it go down on January 6th, did you really watch it and think "Oh, my God. They're taking over the government." or did you think "Well, this won't end well for these morons."?

It took about 30 seconds of viewing for me to discern that this unorganized, unarmed* crowd, lead by a guy in a horned hat wasn't for real.

* I fully acknowledge there were some weapons found on people, but none of them were brandished or used as far as I'm aware.

Speaker to Animals

May 16, 2021
When you were watching it go down on January 6th, did you really watch it and think "Oh, my God. They're taking over the government." or did you think "Well, this won't end well for these morons."?

It took about 30 seconds of viewing for me to discern that this unorganized, unarmed* crowd, lead by a guy in a horned hat wasn't for real.

* I fully acknowledge there were some weapons found on people, but none of them were brandished or used as far as I'm aware.
I definitely didn't think anybody was going to manage a successful insurrection. I did worry about just how many more people in the country were that stupid however. My estimation of the common man's intelligence has plummeted in the last few years.

I knew in my heart that it probably wouldn't end well for em, but I also guessed they'd face no real consequences.
Some deserve jail time. If there were ever a time to send a sentencing message, this is it.


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
Funny how this thread shifted after yesterday’s report


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I definitely didn't think anybody was going to manage a successful insurrection. I did worry about just how many more people in the country were that stupid however. My estimation of the common man's intelligence has plummeted in the last few years.

I knew in my heart that it probably wouldn't end well for em, but I also guessed they'd face no real consequences.
Some deserve jail time. If there were ever a time to send a sentencing message, this is it.
Yeah, we're just at different places on the same graph. I had the same stupid people thought a few years back, now I recognize it for what it is and just try to enjoy the ride. Hopefully the ride down is longer than I think it will be, but only time will tell.

Regarding your first sentence specifically; that's my overarching point. What happened shouldn't have, no question, but people need to stop pretending that America was inches away from becoming a totalitarian dictatorship or at least acknowledge that when they do it its theater.
Last edited:

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
That's not unreasonable. The thing that seems be lost in a lot of this by a lot people is that those who showed up to the capital building. Let's be honest, they didn't exactly have a lot going on. These were people who for whatever reason (mental illness, not very bright, or just losers) were going to be duped by someone.
Are the multiple posters on this site who believe exactly the same shit that the Capitol "tourists" believed (and who constantly link to conspiracy blogs about it), also "mentally ill, not very bright or just losers"?

That has to be a fair question to ask you - right?

Or not?

In this case it was a janitor who walked by a CIA building once
Or maybe the years-long avalanche of constant lies from the entire right wing media and political ecosystem (and the purge of anyone who refuses to parrot the lies) might have had something to do with it, possibly?

but these people weren't going to be overthrowing the government and installing a dictator.

The Beer Hall Putsch also failed to overthrow the government and install a dictator.

Because it failed, that meant the threat didn't exist or was overblown?

What do you think your attitude towards the failed coup of 1923 would have been?

People pushing that narrative is laughable.
Does that include the people in the Capitol mob who were pushing that narrative on the day?

Or Trump himself, who pressured Pence to refuse to certify Biden's win?

Or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who was so worried about Trump and his staff's intent that he gathered senior military leaders and formulated a plan to guard against what he explicitly considered a, quote, "Reichstag moment"?

Do you even know how close those Capitol "tourists" (and do you know why I'm referring to them as such) came to murdering the Vice President for refusing to overturn American democracy?

You can not like me all you want. But all of these are legitimate questions.
