I'm referring to you posting an example of correlation being causation, and then you put it in quotes as if the fact that there was correlation meant there was causation. You tried to use a logical fallacy as a way to disprove logic. Go search the forum for it, it was like 2 days ago.
you called the Doctor in my video a piece of shit, that's an ad hominem attack.
you don't want to post your data or your sources...fine. Obviously it's not about a search for truth, it's about feeling like the smartest guy in the room. got it.
Well, no, you don't "got it".
This is about frustration.
I'm frustrated when ANYONE tells me to "post your source". Immediately, in my mind, I'm talking to someone that (a) hasn't done their homework, & (b) has the audacity to demand that I do their work for them for free.
It's enraging, because I feel like I'm talking to an entitled little brat.
Although thats probably not the case, it's Immediately where I go; it's what my kid says, who rants about my white privilege.
(That must've been the privilege of becoming a lawyer, beating my ex in court for full custody, and raising kids alone w/o child support, and breaking my back to throw block parties with bouncy houses every birthday).
It's what these twat kids on twitter DEMAND, as if I owe anyone my time.
Again, probably not you, but this is where I go and it pisses me off.
I am...flabbergasted, at the lack of critical thought, research, and time being put into the event of our lifetime. I'm in a constant state of disbelief regarding the lack of action on the part of the vast majority of people to understand where we are.
From day one, I was on this.
In case you didn't know, my uncle died suddenly 12-28-2019 of respiratory failure, the same we saw with hypoxic states where O2 levels were presenting @37% & patients appeared relatively w/o distress then fell face first on concrete.
And as you may remember, I was in the same hospital as "patient one U.S.", had "SARS-Cov-2" along with my daughter Jan. 2020, live in ground zero, & my other daughter was a mile from lifecare center Kirkland.
I found the clinic mr.wuhan went to, found the nurse, the robot that attended to him, the CDC courier that sent the alleged sample to Atlanta, and tracked the timeline & LACK of chain of custody in regards to the sample.
And since then, have spent ALL my time learning.
I'm not "working", my time is spent using the greatest tools mankind has ever had to draw this picture.
I posted in this thread for 10 months, from February to November.
Everything we needed to know is in this thread regarding coronaviruses and this plandemic, including mask data.
There's another regarding the "vaccine" over on the OG titled "before you vax, understand".
Regarding this doc, him being arrogant and presumptious regarding ADE is why I called him a POS.
He has ZERO facts regarding disproving ADE in regards to these experimental jabs.
IF, ADE, the dangers of prion disease, spike protein replicating throughtout every organ, and the myriad of other concerns were likely, they would present themselves regardless of season.
The fact that it appears that's what's happening, during summer, should by no means be discounted by this doctor who's smack dab in the middle of the human trial run. That's why I called him a POS.
His and others cult-like and scientifically absent views are what's going to cost lives, not mine.
There's no "ad hominem" attack on this guy.
The fact that he references his work on ADE without the current human experiment being completed, as if it were a peer-reviwed published scientific fact is what I'd call
supporting documents to his character.
The fact he even references N95's is blatantly ridiculous, as NO ONE fucking wears them, and I wish he were in the room right now so I'd have the glorious opportunity of clocking him for even mentioning something so stupid.
An ad hominem attack would be if I were to look at his credentials, leanings etc., and attempt to pick him apart without listening to the guy.