Thanks for posting, I wanted to read that when the story broke, but today has been a shitshow.
The main takeaway is nowhere in that letter are the words "children" and "health" next to each other. The Florida Department of Education's stance is to appeal to parents' "freedom", not protect the childrens' health.
Having said that, apparently, mask mandates are allowed by school districts with the provision that parents do not need to submit a doctor's exemption to allow their children not to wear a mask. Broward et al are simply not letting children in without a mask- I'm not sure if they're giving masks out to unmasked, but their stance is "If you want to get into this school building you can wear a mask or eat a dick". Which is in line with my personal thinking an common sense known all the way back to the 1918 pandemic.
As I mentioned in another thread, for DeSantis to pick THIS HILL to die on is a terrible political strategy. Teachers and children will get sick and die. Parents like hearing they have freedom, but they really just want to be told what to do- and when their kids get sick and they have to stay home to take care of them, or the kids die, the parents are going to blame DeSantis for "letting their kids go to school unmasked" and they'll say "why didn't you stop this?"
I really and truly don't know what these governors are thinking.