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member 3289

You should try it sometime and get it even lower.
Second time in a week you've used the "I know you are but what am I" argument.

Vaccines are good and Jesus isn't real. Build yourself a bridge and get over it.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Second time in a week you've used the "I know you are but what am I" argument.
The next argument would be scientific I suppose.
How many males in female friendly states represent themselves in divorces & end up with full custody?

I'd say like corona CFR, that's about 0.3%.
By your math, I should probably run out and beg the court to reconsider, hire a lawyer for 70k, get vaccinated & demand a new hearing.

Vaccines are good
Tell that to 70,000 soldiers with "Gulf War Syndrome" & 700,000 corpses in Bill Gates favorite African communities.

Jesus isn't real
Well then maybe you should sign your checks with the Hebrew calendar and see how 3,500 years depreciates your currency.

member 3289

The next argument would be scientific I suppose.
How many males in female friendly states represent themselves in divorces & end up with full custody?

I'd say like corona CFR, that's about 0.3%.
By your math, I should probably run out and beg the court to reconsider, hire a lawyer for 70k, get vaccinated & demand a new hearing.

Tell that to 70,000 soldiers with "Gulf War Syndrome" & 700,000 corpses in Bill Gates favorite African communities.

Well then maybe you should sign your checks with the Hebrew calendar and see how 3,500 years depreciates your currency.


Nov 3, 2015
See this Filthy @Filthy ?

This is the science we're dealing with.

What's the message?
What's left out?


What's the other data?
Age, race, underlying conditions, prior vaccine status, etc. etc.
Yet you give positive ratings to shallow data posts by your comrades likes this one:

Weird how that works.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
I don't have time to look it up but I wonder how many hospital beds their state has. I wonder what the capacity is. I'd like to review their vaccination rates to know if this trajectory could run unchecked or if it'll be limited due to high vaccination rates.
From my understanding the state has instituted quite extended interventions which of course likely decreased cases.
But of course there's also harm to many of those interventions both economically and medically.
I don't feel I have a very good gauge of whether 500 people in the hospital is a lot or not.
I bet we've got that many in just half a dozen hospitals here. And let me be clear I don't advise that. It is an absolute disaster here right now. But I just remembered Texas locking down in line with New York and it being premature. We caused harm only to let the restrictions go afterwards and shoot the moon. If we aren't going to mandate vaccines, which I'm not in favor of for the general populace, then I think the only goal is preventing healthcare overruns. If they have plenty of reserve capacity I wouldn't panic about 500 patients. It's preventable but also a compromise on patient autonomy is required.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
See this Filthy @Filthy ?

This is the science we're dealing with.

Twitter is the state sponsor of information and "scientific data" for state health departments.

You know what this chart is?
It's an advertisement for big pharmaceutical.
THIS is TRUE 'Correlation doesn't equal causation", except when we say so.

What's the message?
These vaccines save lives.
What's left out?


How are these patients being treated?
Glad you asked.

My ex-gf's sister, in the hospital, and THEIR state health department will NOT allow use of HCQ OR Ivermectin, and the pharmacy won't fill it because it's not state approved.

What's the other data?
Age, race, underlying conditions, prior vaccine status, etc. etc.
i think there are intentional gaps in the data, and if you want to discuss that we can. But the correlation isn't what shows the "causation" of vaccine's the data.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
CDC was caught fudging Florida's corona case numbers.

This shit pisses me off so bad.

I don't see how anyone can criticize or blame the general public for increasingly trusting Joe Blows over the government.

The best truths I can discern:

I don't know where it came from or who made it but The Rona is real, I've seen it.

Fuckery is afoot in the political and science world.

You can't trust what is being reported.

There are still too many unknowns.

Best advice I can give:

Protect yourself at all times. Wear a mask and social distance.

And although it does have known and possibly unknown side effects, the vaccine gives you a better chance of staying alive if you do catch The Rona. Assume you will catch it.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Wear a mask and social distance.
I'm vaxxed, so...

Also, my area of the country is fine. 2300 new cases in Ohio yesterday out of 12 million people. My county? 174 / 817,000

It's a giant nothingburger.

And the CDC said masks weren't necessary before they said they were. Which is before they said they weren't anymore - right before they said we should wear two at the same time.


For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
I'm vaxxed, so...

Also, my area of the country is fine. 2300 new cases in Ohio yesterday out of 12 million people. My county? 174 / 817,000

It's a giant nothingburger.

And the CDC said masks weren't necessary before they said they were. Which is before they said they weren't anymore - right before they said we should wear two at the same time.

I wear k N95s. I'm vaccinated but I don't want to be a Ronawalker (spreader) so...... I mask up.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
I wear k N95s. I'm vaccinated but I don't want to be a Ronawalker (spreader) so...... I mask up.
You obviously have more exposure to it than me, but for an average person - if they are vaxed and have no symptoms then what's the purpose for going through this mask bullshit again?

I'm not going to spread something I don't have.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
if they are vaxed and have no symptoms then what's the purpose for going through this mask bullshit again?

There is currently conflicting data on whether vaccinated individuals continue to transmit the Delta variant.
With a rise in cases across the entire United States It is a minimal intervention that is effective in slowing spread.

Mask are back as an abundance of caution given these circumstances.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Very classy. Accusing the troops of being Chinese agents. Or at best Chinese useful idiots.
Soldiers aren't idiots for trusting their superiors.
Let's try to exercise some class.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Yet you give positive ratings to shallow data posts by your comrades likes this one:

Weird how that works.
Somehow it's shallow to agree with charts worldwide that show summer spikes through space afer injections.

Think I'll ignore you now Klaus.
The German track record for world peace through virtue has a track record second to none.
Porsche. That's about it.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
There is currently conflicting data on whether vaccinated individuals continue to transmit the Delta variant.
With a rise in cases across the entire United States It is a minimal intervention that is effective in slowing spread.

Mask are back as an abundance of caution given these circumstances.
So like...if I'm in the middle of a football field by myself I'm safer if I wear a hardhat? The chances of something hitting me in the head is about as close to 0 as you can get, but - statistically - I'm safer. So the hardhat is an abundance of caution.

Pushing vaccinated individuals to wear a mask is a good way to dissuade people from getting the shot. Because what's the point?

Remember Biden? (paraphrasing) - "Get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do."

Thanks, but I'll sit this one out. I'm sure they'll change their guidance in a week or two anyway.


Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
And although it does have known and possibly unknown side effects, the vaccine gives you a better chance of staying alive if you do catch The Rona. Assume you will catch it.
More people have died from this vaccine than all others combined over decades, the YEAR isn't over, and that data is fudged massively to the point where Fla. hospitals aren't even recording prior vax status on its forms anymore.
A vax death is a corona death in many if not most cases.
Follow the money, always.

If a doctor last October would've showed you a jab dataset with 40,000 people dead & more than 2,000,000 serious adverse reactions occurring before Summer's end, heading into fall, just in the U.S. & Euro alone....?
I don't know what to say.


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
So like...if I'm in the middle of a football field by myself I'm safer if I wear a hardhat? The chances of something hitting me in the head is about as close to 0 as you can get, but - statistically - I'm safer. So the hardhat is an abundance of caution.
This is a poor analogy for reasons I can't begin to fully type.

Pushing vaccinated individuals to wear a mask is a good way to dissuade people from getting the shot. Because what's the point?
Because you die less.

You asked why. I told you why the masks.

Remember Biden? (paraphrasing) - "Get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do."
As above, things changed. Data changed. It's a fallacy to continue to quote out of context statements when things changed in the data.


Nov 3, 2015
Somehow it's shallow to agree with charts worldwide that show summer spikes through space afer injections.

Think I'll ignore you now Klaus.
The German track record for world peace through virtue has a track record second to none.
Porsche. That's about it.
Hah, I was in some ways trying to build a bridge here since I agree twitter is not a good way to discuss or demonstrate research.

But if you don't at least see similarities to missing data and context you criticize in the other post then you are intellectually dishonest.

And of course you attack me for my heritage now, something I can't even influence? Classy.

Have fun in your safe space.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Data changed. It's a fallacy to continue to quote out of context statements when things changed in the data.
The only thing that has remained constant during this entire ordeal is the government's ineptitude in handling it.