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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Mississippi 8th Grader Dies With COVID Hours After Gov. Reeves Downplays Child Cases
An eighth-grade girl died this morning in Raleigh, Miss., mere hours after testing positive for COVID-19. Multiple sources told the Mississippi Free Press that the student attended classes at the school most of the week, including Wednesday, before testing positive for COVID-19 at week’s end. Her health quickly declined afterward.
It's very odd to watch someone relishing the deaths of children for perceived political gain.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Ware County closes all 11 schools after ‘sharp increase’ in COVID-19 cases
After just over a week in session, Ware County Schools made the decision Friday to put the school year on hold following a “sharp increase” in the number of positive COVID-19 cases reported among students and staff.

The Southeast Georgia school system said in an email to parents it will temporarily cease daily operations for traditional and digital students and most staff members in all 11 schools through Aug. 27 and students won’t return to school until Sept. 7.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Children hospitalized with COVID-19 in U.S. hits record number
The number of children hospitalized with COVID-19 in the United States hit a record high of just over 1,900 on Saturday


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014
is this a thing in the US?

I'm not a lawyer but I am aware that in most cases and states your dead spouses debt is not yours.
If you have a joint note on a car, house, etc. yes. you have to keep paying those debts if the other person dies.

Then there are a handful of community property states instead of common law. Texas is common law. If a debt item is in my spouses name and I didn't co-sign they cant come for me.

In a community property state like California the debt can come for half the estate including items that are only under the living spouses name.

In a common law state simply moving those assets into the surviving spouses name would be enough.
In a community property state you would have to divorce.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Then why are you advocating for vaccine passports?
because the principle of free association applies to all citizens. If a business doesn't want you (even if that business is an airline or OTR bus or passenger ship or hotel) without a vaccine passport, they should be permitted.

Further, vaccines passports are critical to almost all businesses where people do things together indoors.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
because the principle of free association applies to all citizens. If a business doesn't want you (even if that business is an airline or OTR bus or passenger ship or hotel) without a vaccine passport, they should be permitted.
It's governments mandating vaccine passports not businesses choosing to enforce them. That's what everyone's issue is.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
It's governments mandating vaccine passports not businesses choosing to enforce them. That's what everyone's issue is.
it's like gov't does what Business wants, and not what a Voters want...

major travel and retail chains would do it even if govt's weren't doing it. Would it feel better if gov't offered tax incentives to businesses that enforce vaccine passports?


Shake 'em off
Dec 31, 2014

Get vaccinated.
We will soon see increase in deaths beyond proportion of covid thanks to these overruns. We saw it in El Paso last year. We will now see it multiple areas of the state this year.

Pandemic ethics question: now that I have no ventilators and the same is starting to happen across the state, If two patients need a ventilator and one is vaccinated and one is unvaccinated, is it ethical to use vaccination status to prioritize access to ventilators?

Of course those against the vaccine will think this is an abhorrent question. Ethics questions are often tough. If I have to consider prioritizing the president, a nurse, etc over my mother, then this is a reasonable topic to consider.

Vaccinated patients get hospitalized less, go on the ventilator less, and spend less time in the hospital and on the ventilator than the unvaccinated If they get there.
From a purely resource allocation standpoint during overruns, you could save a vaccinated patient's life on average with less ventilator time and system resources than the unvaccinated.

Other decisions in pandemic ethics such as prioritizing the president over the average citizen but not prioritizing an important person's wife over the average citizen speak to the deterrent and morale problems in allocating resources. If it is ethical to prioritize frontline workers to maintain the system and to encourage continued risk taking for the system to hold together, is it the same to hold that incentive out for the populace to perform an action (vaccination) that further holds the system together?

member 1013


Get vaccinated.
We will soon see increase in deaths beyond proportion of covid thanks to these overruns. We saw it in El Paso last year. We will now see it multiple areas of the state this year.

Pandemic ethics question: now that I have no ventilators and the same is starting to happen across the state, If two patients need a ventilator and one is vaccinated and one is unvaccinated, is it ethical to use vaccination status to prioritize access to ventilators?

Of course those against the vaccine will think this is an abhorrent question. Ethics questions are often tough. If I have to consider prioritizing the president, a nurse, etc over my mother, then this is a reasonable topic to consider.

Vaccinated patients get hospitalized less, go on the ventilator less, and spend less time in the hospital and on the ventilator than the unvaccinated If they get there.
From a purely resource allocation standpoint during overruns, you could save a vaccinated patient's life on average with less ventilator time and system resources than the unvaccinated.

Other decisions in pandemic ethics such as prioritizing the president over the average citizen but not prioritizing an important person's wife over the average citizen speak to the deterrent and morale problems in allocating resources. If it is ethical to prioritize frontline workers to maintain the system and to encourage continued risk taking for the system to hold together, is it the same to hold that incentive out for the populace to perform an action (vaccination) that further holds the system together?
sparkuri @sparkuri you are a lawyer, what does THE LAW say?