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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021

Every one of those came from a lab.
You seem pretty clued-in on the intricacies of virology and vaccine science.

Got any more links to articles about the "Washington Post Jews" and how "they can't wait to be rid of white people", so the rest of us can get up to speed with you?



top korean roofer
Oct 21, 2015
If this were the case, we wouldn't be seeing such a sharp increase in vaccinations after the arrival of Delta.

View attachment 44229
Here's another reason your "people want to be free and catch covid" argument lacks merit - Palm Beach County Schools, the 5th largest school district in the state, recently changed their mask policy from voluntary opt-out for all students with a signed form to medical opt-outs only.

When parents were able to opt out, you know how many did? Six percent. So 94% sent their kids to school with masks on. Finally, with high community transmission and after having sent 1,400 kids home to quarantine, the school board realized they were risking the health of too many children and families just to keep 6% of parents happy.

So no, people would not rather be free and catch covid. No one is arguing for a complete lockdown, but if we had statewide, common sense mitigation policies, we wouldn't be in the position we're in now. New York's population is just below ours and they don't have even half the problems we're having.
so what's the problem again?


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
No more than any other prion disease. Which as a class is the most terrifying thing I can think of.
it seems like a space for AI to develop prions that are innocuous to regular proteins but cause the pathogenic prions to refold in to an inert configuration.

Rambo John J

Baker Team
First 100
Jan 17, 2015
sparkuri @sparkuri Rambo John J @Freedom!!


How long until 4th dose needed?

What happens if you don't get 4th dose? Are you left more vulnerable?

Does your 3rd 4th 5th 6th - 20th dose cause any long term health issues?

Why do we need to vaccinate the young?

Why is my peen not bigger? Can I increase it's dosage?

member 1013


How long until 4th dose needed?

What happens if you don't get 4th dose? Are you left more vulnerable?

Does your 3rd 4th 5th 6th - 20th dose cause any long term health issues?

Why do we need to vaccinate the young?

Why is my peen not bigger? Can I increase it's dosage?