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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Nothing says "credible source" like a site where every article is written by a Brad Pitt edgelord character from the '90s, whose whole point of his character is that he doesn't even exist and is fake news.

Here's a statement from a former writer for the site:

" "I can't be a 24-hour cheerleader for Hezbollah, Moscow, Tehran, Beijing, and Trump anymore. It's wrong. Period. I know it gets you views now, but it will kill your brand over the long run. This isn't a revolution. It's a joke." Lokey told Bloomberg that he was pressured to frame issues in a way he felt was "disingenuous," summarizing its political stances as "Russia=good. Obama=idiot. Bashar al-Assad=benevolent leader. John Kerry=dunce. Vladimir Putin=greatest leader in the history of statecraft."[26]"

Jesus, do you EVER read ANYTHING that's not garbage conspiracy propaganda? At least there's no headlines referencing the Jews and their evil plots on Zero Hedge's homepage. Unlike half of the braindead, racist shit you spam here. They're just a Russian propaganda outlet, so I guess that's an improvement over your usual vile garbage, right?


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
The viral Instagram post uses a snippet of a CNBC interview with Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla to make its case.

In the interview, CNBC’s senior health and science reporter Meg Tirrell asks Bourla, “I’ve heard you have not yet had your shot. When do you plan to get it?”

Bourla replies, “As soon as I can, I will. The only sensitivity here, Meg, is that I don’t want to have an example that I’m cutting the line. I’m 59 years old, in good health, I’m not working in the front line. And so, my type is not recommended to get vaccination now.”

A check of the interview transcript from CNBC shows that interview took place on Dec. 14, 2020, which is the same day the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine first became available to the public.

Bourla did eventually get vaccinated. On March 10, 2021, he shared a photo of himself on Twitter getting his second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

He is pretty much entirely incapable of posting anything that is NOT lies.

Seriously - essentially every single link he posts, is stupid lies that can be debunked in 2 seconds.

Every....... single........ time.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
You post countess times about the all the evil boogeyman in the world that are doing whatever they can to control and manipulate all us sheep that are too ignorant to realize then have the gall to post a short, repetitive, out of context, purposely misleading video accompanied with a condescending text. You think somehow you’re better than these people you keep trying to expose? Lol.
Pink this guy immediately.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
A good start would to not post videos like the one I quoted. Can you at least admit that the intent of that clip wasn’t to inform the viewer but to to purposely misrepresent what was being said in that interview?

no, he cannot

more garbage spam incoming

Your level of skepticism is so off the charts
The problem is actually the exact opposite of that.

He has no skepticism at all.

In fact, he is so deeply gullible and so poor at critical thinking, he will fall for ANYTHING, no matter how stupid.

Literally all it has to do is promise him some Secret Knowledge that THEY (the Jews) want to keep from you.

That's it. That's all he needs. He knows the destination he wants, he will hop on board literally anything that gets him there, no matter how stupid. There is no level of stupid or lies that will put him off or make him question any of his bullshit for even one second. It's pathetic, actually. And this shit literally kills people.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
That is exactly how I read it
You vaxxed because of a gov requirement

Not sure why you have a hard on for those that don't agree with that type of policy
Because cunts like you have KILLED thousands of people with your conspiracy bullshit.

That enough?

...but apparently you do...I wish you both had freedom of choice
We wish you conspiracy clowns would stop spamming stupid lies and do what is necessary to put this shit behind us, instead of dragging it out for YEARS. Which is what you are doing.

I wish she could travel freely and you could have her home hours after getting of the plane...That is how I feel about it.
I wish I could live in a world where I never worried for one second about my niece getting smallpox or polio.

Oh wait.

I DO live in that world.

Because of vaccinations.

You, on the other hand, actively want to bring us back to this:

Both exposed to smallpox. Boy on the right was vaccinated, boy on the left was not.

Smallpox has about a 25% death rate, and many survivors were permanently blinded and had horrific, lifelong scars.

Smallpox killed about 3x as many people in the 20th Century as all the wars combined did.

It's now eliminated because of the vaccine.

Do you think there wasn't a big anti-vax movement back in the day? Do you think you WOULDN'T have been one of the clowns cheering for smallpox to keep killing millions of people every year?

Not sure why you are venting anger towards me or others that don't endorse coerced vaccination.
Because you are selfish, gullible, pigheaded children who spam stupid lies and are killing thousands of people and dragging this virus out by years.

Will that do?

Have a nice day. And stay off Facebook, for Christ's sake. ?



Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016

Dr Martenson talking about the study from Israel.
Could anyone plot a path to natural herd immunity without a whole bunch of unnecessary death and economic destruction?


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Australia: Now with COVID Detention Quarantine Camps



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
If someone is characterizing a multiple use, multiple species medication as being "for livestock" they're either not aware of how widespread crossover is, or they're being disingenuous. I was using the charitable interpretation of your posts and assuming you were just unaware.


Nov 14, 2019
If someone is characterizing a multiple use, multiple species medication as being "for livestock" they're either not aware of how widespread crossover is, or they're being disingenuous. I was using the charitable interpretation of your posts and assuming you were just unaware.

I don't think you understand. They are taking livestock medication. Livestock medication.

Do you understand now? They are taking livestock medication directly from farm shops. You are aware of the difference of this ivermectin and pharmaceutical ivermectin right? Or did you think the livestock grade ivermectin was the same as the pharmaceutical one?

Tell me you knew the difference and just mistyped.

Please tell me that.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I don't think you understand. They are taking livestock medication. Livestock medication.

Do you understand now? They are taking livestock medication directly from farm shops. You are aware of the difference of this ivermectin and pharmaceutical ivermectin right? Or did you think the livestock grade ivermectin was the same as the pharmaceutical one?

Tell me you knew the difference and just mistyped.

Please tell me that.
He won't concede any of that.


Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
If someone is characterizing a multiple use, multiple species medication as being "for livestock" they're either not aware of how widespread crossover is, or they're being disingenuous. I was using the charitable interpretation of your posts and assuming you were just unaware.
I think the “for livestock” thing is propagating from the fact that people (like many here in Texas) are getting their IVM from farm supply stores for self treatment. They aren’t getting this prescribed from a doctor or from a pharmacy.

I don’t know about you, and crossover medicine or not, I’m not buying my medicine at farm store.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I don't think you understand. They are taking livestock medication. Livestock medication.

Do you understand now? They are taking livestock medication directly from farm shops. You are aware of the difference of this ivermectin and pharmaceutical ivermectin right? Or did you think the livestock grade ivermectin was the same as the pharmaceutical one?

Tell me you knew the difference and just mistyped.

Please tell me that.
Ivermectin is a specific make up of chemicals. The difference (as per the FDA) lays in how they're tested.


Nov 14, 2019
I think the “for livestock” thing is propagating from the fact that people (like many here in Texas) are getting their IVM from farm supply stores for self treatment. They aren’t getting this prescribed from a doctor or from a pharmacy.

I don’t know about you, and crossover medicine or not, I’m not buying my medicine at farm store.

They are literally poisoning themselves. Hospital admissions have skyrocketed thanks to their stupidity.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
I think the “for livestock” thing is propagating from the fact that people (like many here in Texas) are getting their IVM from farm supply stores for self treatment. They aren’t getting this prescribed from a doctor or from a pharmacy.

I don’t know about you, and crossover medicine or not, I’m not buying my medicine at farm store.
I fully agree with the sentiment you put forth here.

What I take issue with is that it's blatantly being used as a smear against ivermectin as a whole.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I think the “for livestock” thing is propagating from the fact that people (like many here in Texas) are getting their IVM from farm supply stores for self treatment. They aren’t getting this prescribed from a doctor or from a pharmacy.

I don’t know about you, and crossover medicine or not, I’m not buying my medicine at farm store.
To concede that these people are fucking retards, would require him to concede that there is actually a huge (and growing) problem with massive sections of the right wing base just flat out no longer living in reality. They are SO paranoid and SO gullible and SO afraid and SO ready to be taken advantage of by grifters that they will literally go into farm stores, buy this shit off the shelves and ingest it. Simply because Facebook told them that CNN was advising against it.

That's how fucking deep the retarded has gotten in the MAGA base.

To concede it would require TJ to concede that, at this point, the MAGA base is actually dangerously retarded and radicalised because of the constant drumbeat of total lies from the right wing "alternative facts" media ecosystem.

And that is something he cannot do.

So he won't.

Instead, he will make pisspoor excuses for the dangerous retards.



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
To concede that these people are fucking retards, would require him to concede that there is actually a huge (and growing) problem with massive sections of the right wing base just flat out no longer living in reality. They are SO paranoid and SO gullible and SO afraid and SO ready to be taken advantage of by grifters that they will literally go into farm stores, buy this shit off the shelves and ingest it. Simply because Facebook told them that CNN was advising against it.

That's how fucking deep the retarded has gotten in the MAGA base.

To concede it would require TJ to concede that, at this point, the MAGA base is actually dangerously retarded and radicalised because of the constant drumbeat of total lies from the right wing "alternative facts" media ecosystem.

And that is something he cannot do.

So he won't.

Instead, he will make pisspoor excuses for the dangerous retards.

The MAGA base was told by their leader to go get vaccinated.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
The MAGA base was told by their leader to go get vaccinated.
True, he has started to encourage vaccination. That's the only thing the MAGA base has ever booed him for.

They think he's been compromised, after he spent how many months telling them (from the Presidential lecturn, no less) that the corona virus was a fake, a hoax, not dangerous, etc etc etc?

Now they are so fucking rock stupid that they are taking this shit off the shelves of farm supply stores, and drinking it.

There is no defence for this kind of stupid. There just isn't.

But you're trying to make excuses for them anyway.

