No sir but I'm not ruling it out. I've never even had a flu shot and I've gotten the flu like twice in my whole millenial lifetime. (Humble brag alert) I live such a pain-free life that just the thought of even getting a sore arm from the vaccine is enough for me to say no thanks...Are you vaxxed
I bet you have soft handsNo sir but I'm not ruling it out. I've never even had a flu shot and I've gotten the flu like twice in my whole millenial lifetime. (Humble brag alert) I live such a pain-free life that just the thought of even getting a sore arm from the vaccine is enough for me to say no thanks...
What a surprise, right? Literally dying, to own the libs.COVID Cases, Deaths Notably Worse In Red States Than Blue States: Report
“Of the 23 states that have new case totals per capita higher than the nation over all, 21 voted for Donald Trump in November. Sixteen are among the 17 states that have the lowest rates of vaccination,” according to the Post.
Of the 18 states that have new death totals higher than the national average, 14 voted for Trump
In Vietnam, coronavirus-infected man impersonates doctor to discharge all inpatients
In Vietnam, coronavirus-infected man impersonates doctor to discharge all inpatients
The man was fined VND7.5 million (US$330)
I've been told those buttons do nothing in many large cities. In Boston somebody referred to it as the idiot button. I'd like to think that person is reading this article and really enjoying their day.Anti-vaxxers massively fail to shut down London by pressing every pedestrian crossing button
However, most pedestrian crossings in London are automated, meaning the buttons have no impact on when traffic stops.Anti-vaxxers fail to shut down London by pressing pedestrian crossing buttons
Protestors gathered near Parliament Square on
I know @Hauler will love thisI've been told those buttons do nothing in many large cities. In Boston somebody referred to it as the idiot button. I'd like to think that person is reading this article and really enjoying their day.