Every single fucking time, with these gullible idiot clowns. "Check out this video, made by a conspiracy grifter who laughed at the suggestion that the Nazi Party gassed Jewish people to death. He's a very credible guy, a real scholar."
Every. Single. Fucking. Time.
Why are you guys
so fucking dumb, that you fall for this shit again and again, and again and again and again?
Don't you ever get sick of being so easily fooled by stupid bullshit? What's the appeal in being such a gullible mark?
Oh, Mr Expert on Fake News, let me watch this video on Biden's corruption and believe every bit of it unquestioningly, just like I believed this same piece of shit when he said on another one of his "documentaries" that, quote, “Israeli intelligence and the Zionist cabal” were responsible for planning and carrying out the 9/11 attacks.
Here he is doing his bullshit livestream.
Not one, but TWO Confederate participation ribbons in the frame.
What a piece of shit. This is the best you got? Absolutely pathetic. You a fan of this guy, are you? He's a credible source to you? Fuck outta here with this braindead shit.