I'm overseeing brigade vaccination today.
So far just one person that has been reading
@sparkuri posting and when couldn't get a medical exemption is now on their way to the chaplain to claim religious exemption. We'll see if they've stick with it and get discharged. I don't think we can do that until next year but it will pull them of this deployment.
The rest got vaccinated after medical counseling.
@sparkuri right now
Interesting thing has happened here in Texas. Our governor has banned any vaccine mandates by any entity which includes the Texas national guard elements. However the school houses for military training cover active duty national guard and reserve and are run by the federal government or at least with federal dollars. They all have vaccine mandates. For the national guard to deploy they go under federal orders.
So active duty has a mandate, reserve components have a mandate, national guard cannot mandate but those refusing will not be able to go to necessary training needed for jobs or promotion, cannot deploy, and will be incomplete on their immunization record for medical readiness which will prevent promotion.
Texas is a large military state with a very active Texas national guard. A ton of the states military supplies and funding come from the constant deployment of national guard overseas under federal title 10 orders.
I suspect that at the end of the day either through the individual pressure of not being able to promote or the larger pressure that the force cannot be deployed, said mandate will be revised when the politics of it settle down.