General Rittenhouse trial

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The Big Guy

Damn this lawyer smashed gage hard as fuck

They are probably about to dismiss this shit. Quit wasting this jury's time

The Big Guy

the assistant defense attorney just leaned over to the Prosecutor and told him this trial is over.

Prosecution Witness admitted to trying to kill Kyle with an illegally carried firearm.

move for Directed Verdict, lunch is on the defense.

Did he shoot you when your hands were up
He only shot you when you advanced on him with a firearm aimed at him

I almost crashed my car


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
This whole scene is so tragic. The protests turned riots, the extremists, the people trying to play super hero, the hate, and all the people acting like right vs wrong and good vs evil are clearly defined lines. None of this needed to happen.
i follow the non-aggression principle, and I don't think Kyle was an aggressor at any point in this situation.

agree that its all tragic.

The Big Guy

This whole scene is so tragic. The protests turned riots, the extremists, the people trying to play super hero, the hate, and all the people acting like right vs wrong and good vs evil are clearly defined lines. None of this needed to happen.
Jacob Blake shouldn't have resisted arrest

People shouldn't riot


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Prosecution witness: I was not chasing Kyle, I was running after Kyle, gaining on him, as part of a growing mob. I had an unlawfully carried firearm, drawn as I ran up on Kyle. The weapon was loaded and chambered. When I stopped 3ft from Kyle with this weapon, after Kyle was jumped kicked and hit in the head with a skateboard, he didn't shoot. He didn't shoot me until I pointed my gun at him.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
This whole scene is so tragic. The protests turned riots, the extremists, the people trying to play super hero, the hate, and all the people acting like right vs wrong and good vs evil are clearly defined lines. None of this needed to happen.
It should be the corporate media who's on trial.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Jacob Blake shouldn't have resisted arrest

People shouldn't riot
People shouldn't travel two towns over to be a disaster tourist with their illegal semi-auto and absolutely no skills, experience, equipment, training or social network to assist to any real way, either.


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
to protect people and property from police and rioters.

being somewhere you can rightfully and lawfully be is not an act of aggression.
About five posts ago, it was to provide medical assistance? You guys can't even keep your excuses straight.

What training or experience does fat 19 year old incel loner Kyle Rittenhouse have in crowd control, exactly?

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the town under curfew because of the riots?


The Big Guy

People shouldn't travel two towns over to be a disaster tourist with their illegal semi-auto and absolutely no skills, experience, equipment, training or social network to assist to any real way, either.

He was in that town often. Not for the riots but regularly by all accounts.He had friends in that town and his sister dated a guy there. I live in one city and work in another am I wrong to be 20 minutes from home?

I lose my right to self defense when I commit a misdemeanor crime?

Agree maybe he shouldn't have gone and I wouldnt let my 17 year old son go. But if he did and some chomos and rioters attacked him I would hope he would kill the attackers and try to turn himself in like kyle did

The Big Guy

I thought it was to provide medical assistance? You guys can't even keep your excuses straight.

What training or experience does fat 19 year old incel loner Kyle Rittenhouse have in crowd control, exactly?

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the town under curfew because of the riots?


Gage already said he saw kyle himself treating people for injuries that day. Rioters with tear gas and rubber bullet injuries.

Kyle and the other guys with guns where treating people all day it's never been disputed. They were also watching a specific property because other were burned. Many many cars were burned and Kyle's "group" were also seen putting OUT fires

He wasing doing good things all day. Even helped remove graffiti prior.

Until he was rushed by a rioter and defended himself


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
About five posts ago, it was to provide medical assistance? You guys can't even keep your excuses straight.

What training or experience does fat 19 year old incel loner Kyle Rittenhouse have in crowd control, exactly?

And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the town under curfew because of the riots?

according to him, he was there with a medical kit to provide medical help to anyone who needed it. It's his right, it's not illegal and it's not aggression. Having a gun in America isn't an act of aggression.

Speaker to Animals

May 16, 2021
This whole scene is so tragic. The protests turned riots, the extremists, the people trying to play super hero, the hate, and all the people acting like right vs wrong and good vs evil are clearly defined lines. None of this needed to happen.
I don't get the attraction. People seem to want to be involved.

We had a protestriot here, and I avoided that area for a week. Nothing except some property damage and burned cars.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I don't get the attraction. People seem to want to be involved.

We had a protestriot here, and I avoided that area for a week. Nothing except some property damage and burned cars.
yeah...i'm done running towards trouble. Makes no sense to me, but I was 17 and ready to save the world at one point.

but then psychedelics.

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
according to him, he was there with a medical kit to provide medical help to anyone who needed it. It's his right, it's not illegal and it's not aggression. Having a gun in America isn't an act of aggression.
Well, his Mum dropped him off.

Where's his medical kit?

Big badass gun is front and centre in all the photos, medical kit? Not so much.



Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Well, his Mum dropped him off.

Where's his medical kit?

Big badass gun is front and centre in all the photos, medical kit? Not so much.

it's literally the size of a backpack and he's carrying it in all the pictures.

take stock of your prejudices and fixation on the big black tool.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
an AR-15 is not a big bad-ass rifle, it's the equivalent of the musket in 1776.

it's a purposeful tool for a working man or woman.