General Rittenhouse trial

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Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
wow, good thing a box of mail-in jury votes didn't arrive in the dead of the night
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Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
Some of my liberal co workers are comparing this to the kalief crowder situation which to me is arbitrary AF the kalief crowder situation had nothing to do with self defense and it happened under liberal policies in NY.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
Some of my liberal co workers are comparing this to the kalief crowder situation which to me is arbitrary AF the kalief crowder situation had nothing to do with self defense and it happened under liberal policies in NY.
try pointing out that the DA doesn't just use these unconstitutional and deplorable techniques on rich white boys.

he's been doing it for decades to poor minority boys.


Iowa Wrestling Champion
Jun 28, 2016
I'm against prisons so I'm glad this kid got off for what seemed like a panicked and crazy situation, but I fear what this will mean for escalating people arming up at protests. Also, this kid will likely get the Zimmerman treatment and be elevated to hero status by the scummiest people imaginable (as has already begun) so that isn't great.
literally just had that conversation about Zimmerman over lunch with my wife.

He's 18, he's going to gravitate towards the people that venerate him and glorify his actions. his single-mom let him drop out of HS to be a fireman, we're not talking about a kid with a history of good decisions or a strong support network.
some DUIs, a domestic violence, maybe a gun charge...


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
Does anyone consider Zimmerman a hero? There is a difference between thinking someone is not guilty of crime and thinking they are a hero. You can just be a guy in a bad situation.

member 3289

Does anyone consider Zimmerman a hero? There is a difference between thinking someone is not guilty of crime and thinking they are a hero. You can just be a guy in a bad situation.
Zimmerman is a wannabe cop guilty of manslaughter but spared by an overzealous prosecutor who went for a murder charge. Zimmerman should've stayed in his car like the police dispatcher told him to do.

Big, big difference between Zimmerman and Rittenhouse imo.