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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
lol. is this your favorite color?


Hey man, this is a discussion board.

He posts his opinions freely, as we all do. He is free to tell me what a dick I am, there's no problem there. I can respond to his opinions that he volunteers on this discussion board.

He wants to permaban me because I respond dismissively to his one-atom-deep political platitudes that he can't expand on, and because I'm not interested in this public forum being a little circle jerk club for ten guys who met online a decade ago and that's all it should ever be in any thread? That's fine, permaban me for not fitting into the cool kid's online gossip group. I'll recover and continue on with my life just fine. It's an Internet discussion forum. Not really serious business, eh? All of us are just random mutts yapping into the void, after all. :smile:


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017

Hey man, this is a discussion board.

He posts his opinions freely, as we all do. He is free to tell me what a dick I am, there's no problem there. I can respond to his opinions that he volunteers on this discussion board.

He wants to permaban me because I respond to his one-atom-deep political thoughts, and because I'm not interested in this public forum being a little circle jerk club for ten guys who met online a decade ago and that's all it should ever be in any thread? That's fine, permaban me for not fitting into the cool kid's online gossip group. I'll recover and continue on with my life just fine. It's an Internet discussion forum. Not really serious business, eh? All of us are just random mutts yapping into the void, after all. :smile:

but bro. there are terms of service here. so say the same things and leave out the name calling. cause people do get banned. id rather you not be one of them


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
but bro. there are terms of service here. so say the same things and leave out the name calling. cause people do get banned. id rather you not be one of them

When I get insulted, who can I ban? All I ever say, is that this guy is a shallow, binary and juvenile thinker when it comes to politics. Which he is. I'm not interested in trashing his character or personality or life beyond that. He's not my sworn enemy, I hope he's doing well for himself. If there was a meet in NZ I'd happily shake his hand, smile and ask if he prefers to drink or smoke. Then I'd want to learn about living and growing up in Canada, most likely.

You will see that in the interactions that I am rudest towards him, it is inevitably because I'm frustrated after repeatedly asking him to expand on or follow up on our clarify statements that he himself volunteered in a thread. Which he is terrible at doing, with anyone.

Well, this is a discussion board.


kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
When I get insulted, who can I ban? All I ever say, is that this guy is an shallow, binary and juvenile thinker when it comes to politics. Which he is. I'm not interested in trashing his character or personality or life beyond that. He's not my sworn enemy, I hope he's doing well for himself. If there was a meet in NZ I'd happily shake his hand, smile and ask if he prefers to drink or smoke. Then I'd want to learn about living and growing up in Canada, most likely.

You will see that in the interactions that I am rudest towards him, it is inevitably because I'm frustrated after repeatedly asking him to expand on or follow up on our clarify statements that he himself volunteered in a thread. Which he is terrible at doing, with anyone.

Well, this is a discussion board.

"sworn enemy"

i like that term

ive got one here. his name is Will. and hed be smart to prepare a will bc ive been working on my spinning wheel kick

Lukewarm Carl @Willthiswork


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Yeah you do, because you're a simpleton.

They're all flawed, none of them is your perfect ideal President who can never even exist in the real world........ so therefore they are all exactly the same, and there's effectively no difference at all between any of them and everything proceeds just the same no matter who's in charge.

Just that simple, right? For a simpleton, yes it is.

I'm putting you on double secret probation with my triple secret mod powers.

Name calling isn't necessary ya goof.


Pro Fighter
Jan 26, 2015
He wants to permaban me because I respond dismissively to his one-atom-deep political platitudes that he can't expand on, and because I'm not interested in this public forum being a little circle jerk club for ten guys who met online a decade ago and that's all it should ever be in any thread? That's fine, permaban me for not fitting into the cool kid's online gossip group. I'll recover and continue on with my life just fine. It's an Internet discussion forum. Not really serious business, eh? All of us are just random mutts yapping into the void, after all.
BeardOfKnowledge @BeardOfKnowledge has never reported you, despite your personal attacks. Please stop with the insults. I understand that he can be frustrating to argue with sometimes; just hit him with a drunk rating and go about your day.

The Big Guy

He wants to permaban me because I respond dismissively to his one-atom-deep political platitudes that he can't expand on, and because I'm not interested in this public forum being a little circle jerk club for ten guys who met online a decade ago and that's all it should ever be in any thread? That's fine, permaban me for not fitting into the cool kid's online gossip group. I'll recover and continue on with my life just fine. It's an Internet discussion forum. Not really serious business, eh? All of us are just random mutts yapping into the void, after all. :smile:


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Conservative group trying to ban 16 books from Polk Schools, calling them pornographic
Some of the books County Citizens Defending Freedom want to ban from Polk County Public Schools. They say the material is pornographic in nature.

Polk County Public Schools Regional Assistant Superintendent John Hill and several of his colleagues spent Tuesday morning going to area middle and high schools to gather 16 books out of media centers after County Citizens Defending Freedom, a conservative political group, complained to Superintendent Frederick Heid that the novels, graphic novels, autobiographies, and sex education books contain pornographic material harmful to children.

Heid sent an email Monday evening to middle and high school principals and media center librarians, stating that a “stakeholder group” is alleging that the books may be in violation of Florida Statute 847.012, which deals with distributing obscene or harmful materials to children.

"While it is not the role of my office to approve/evaluate instructional or resource materials at that level, I do have an obligation to review any allegation that a crime is being or has been committed,” Heid wrote in the email. “It is also my obligation to provide safeguards to protect our employees. The district will be taking the following steps to ensure that we address this issue honestly, fairly, and transparently.”