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Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Switzerland gun levels are nowhere near at the levels of America.

Also something you forgot to note which would greatly impact those statistics is Switzerland has compulsory military service for all males over 18. I would assume that means they all have firearms training.

The Big Guy

Violent crime rates are higher among American citizens than both legal and illegal immigrants.

View attachment 59805

View attachment 59806
This just shows people caught for crimes in one state and only felonies

Also thanks for the direction and approval of texas CCH documents for this purpose
When looking at sexual assault it's almost double that of legal Americans. That's pretty astonishing that legal immigrants are committing such numbers of high sexual assault. Remind me of the numbers in norway and sweden. I think the term is used is rapefugees.

Also in a few categories if you combine the numbers from immigrants it far outweighs that of the citizen population

Let's combine numbers now

Murder illegal/legal 6.9 vs 4.8 for citizens
More murder committed by immigrants than americans in Texas.

Sexual assault legal/illegal sexual assaults combined 42.5 vs citizens at 18.2
More than double!

Arson combined immigrants 2.3 compared to us born 2.3 Even amount of crime between the immigrants and americans

Assault combined immigrants 209.4 vs us citizens 160.9
More assaults in texas from non citizens than vs us born Texans.

When you look at how many more us born citizens there are compared to legals/illegals you see how fucked the percentages get. But I dont think we even have good numbers because they are pouring across the southern border with zero regard for our laws

Some crimes in texas like assault or sexual assault more than half the crimes are committed by legal/illegals

More than half!

Freeloading Rusty @Dave Insurgent
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The Big Guy

More of the same. Big thanks to crusty rusty for hooking me up with more proof

Combine the numbers of illegal/legals and you see nearly half or more than half of all crime in texas is committed by people not born in america

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
More of the same. Big thanks to crusty rusty for hooking me up with more proof

Combine the numbers of illegal/legals and you see nearly half or more than half of all crime in texas is committed by people not born in america
View attachment 59808
How about that, an ex convict American citizen preaching about ‘them’ criminals ruining America.