Society The Joseph R Biden Show

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John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
Sue gun manufacturers? For what?
If I kill someone with a hammer, is Estwing responsible?
Do you really, honestly think that this is a compelling point? Like, for real? Hammers and guns - there's no difference between them?

Joe should worry more about the rampant crime in his cities.
But not the states with the rampant crime problem? Top five states with the highest murder rates in 2020:


Maybe start holding criminals responsible for their behavior?
Oh yeah.

Right now, you have 4% of the world's population, and one quarter of the planet's prison population.

But your mistake is that you're just not locking enough people up for long enough.

What proportion of the entire planet's prison population do you want to house before you're satisfied that you're now "holding criminals accountable for their behaviour", exactly? You already have a quarter. You want a third? Half? How many people do you want to lock up?


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Americans got paid even more in January as wages just keep getting higher
That's according to the latest employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Average hourly earnings for all workers soared to $31.63 last month — a 5.7% jump from a year ago. Production and nonsupervisory workers were earning an average of $26.92 an hour, up 6.9% from January 2021.

Workers aren't just making more money. They are looking for — and getting — more jobs, according to BLS data. That's after months of quitting in record numbers, showing people aren't leaving the workforce completely but rather participating in a "Great Reshuffle" in search of better a better deal. Across industries, pay is one major way companies are enticing those job switchers to come back to work.


Been fallin so long it's like gravitys gone
Feb 3, 2016
Hammers and guns - there's no difference between them?
Guns don't kill people. Neither do hammers.
My comparison to hammers is better than Joe's regarding the cigarette companies. Those guys were sued for targetting kids with ads and not being forthcoming of the dangers of their products.