General Russia Ukraine round 2 Price hike boogaloo

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Nov 21, 2015

Who is "we"?

No one gets that rich without being a shady fucker.

I can tell you first hand that there is not a single Hedgefund with allocation over
a few 100 million that isn't shady as fuck.You literally cannot execute a position
on funds that size without doing under handed shit and spoofing


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
That’s awesome, I knew wali was there he even ended up on a CNN broadcast crossing the border. I love the hype doe.
The information being given out about regiments and shit isn't even close to accurate. Wali's history also seems to be a little, um, shall we say "spotty"?

member 1013

I'm going to try to do a little looking around, but I think the guy's a bullshit artist, tbh.
He didn’t make any of these claims about himself, that I’m aware of. Said he was a sniper and his friend called him saying they needed one in The original article I read and when CNN ran into him.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
He didn’t make any of these claims about himself, that I’m aware of. Said he was a sniper and his friend called him saying they needed one by in The original article and when CNN ran into him.
Doing some quick math based on his age and some of his claims and I'm not even sure he's a sniper. He's also doing press and shit, which is frowned upon if you're actually a high speed, low drag type of fella.

member 1013

BeardOfKnowledge @BeardOfKnowledge I think he was just a regular infantry man and maybe did some “sniping” as a mercenary. From his pics he was definitely a regular infantry man on at least one tour.

Good call


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
BeardOfKnowledge @BeardOfKnowledge I think he was just a regular infantry man and maybe did some sniping as a mercenary. From his pics he was definitely a regular infantry man on at least one tour.

Good call
I have this uneasy feeling that this story is going to end with us finding out that he was court martialled for sexual assault or some shit and he's just been stealing valour since.