I mean, I get what you're going after. But I'm also okay with a government that gets out of the way if that is the right economic move.
I am concerned about the hit that's coming from inflation as well as the discrepancy in how the expectation for debt pay down will be framed. Trump and Biden insisted on running up the deficit and debt during hot economic times and that's going to be a painful payback. It was unnecessary and I expect they will come for the 10-50th percentiles to pay it back when the the 1% benefited the most. Since the 1% is adept at avoiding the tax schemes. That will further gut the middle class that brings us so much stability.
I'm always a fan of government getting out of the way. Generally speaking, just about everything they touch gets fucked up.
I'm not part of the group that blames Biden for all things inflation. As soon as DC started handing out free money to keep everyone whole (and then some) - the inflation bomb was coming. It was just a matter of when and how bad it was going to get. And you are correct, it will be the middle and upper-middle class that will pay for most of it.
And I know it's politics, but the constant cheerleading over wins that aren't really wins is incredibly dishonest.