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member 1013

The holocaust should certainly be taught, but the 3rd Reich's morality has nothing to do with it. History is about facts. Not judgements.
I just want to say, as someone with a minor in history, this is wrong. And not because it’s about the Holocaust.

go to your room Hauler @Hauler and think about what you did.

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
Senate GOP Agenda Would Hike Taxes on Poorest 40% by Average of $1,000
The policy agenda that Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida unveiled last month—and has continued to promote despite mounting backlash—would hike annual taxes on the poorest 40% of people in the United States by $1,000 on average while not raising taxes on the richest 1% by a single penny.

So concluded a state-by-state analysis of Scott's plan released Monday by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), which estimates that "the poorest fifth of Americans would pay 34% of the tax increase while the next fifth of Americans would pay 45% of the tax increase."

member 1013

Senate GOP Agenda Would Hike Taxes on Poorest 40% by Average of $1,000
The policy agenda that Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida unveiled last month—and has continued to promote despite mounting backlash—would hike annual taxes on the poorest 40% of people in the United States by $1,000 on average while not raising taxes on the richest 1% by a single penny.

So concluded a state-by-state analysis of Scott's plan released Monday by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), which estimates that "the poorest fifth of Americans would pay 34% of the tax increase while the next fifth of Americans would pay 45% of the tax increase."

Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016
DeSantis’s press secretary says anyone who opposes Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill is a pedophile
The bill is officially known as the Parental Rights in Education Bill and says teachers cannot “encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.” It also says parents can sue their children’s schools for failing to adhere to these rules.


Freeloading Rusty

Here comes Rover, sniffin’ at your ass
Jan 11, 2016


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
Mr. President, what about the skyrocketing price of what you call “hamburger meat?”

“Well one of the reasons for that is you don’t have that many folks out there that are the ones that are you got the Big Four controlling it all.”

Here are a few of Biden’s Greatest Hits,

“In Milwaukee y’all are training workers to get help to get rid of lead pipelines in 450,000 schools.”

“It will not cost anyone making less than four grand 400 thousand bucks a penny.”

“That’s what my Bib Build Back Better Plan is all about.”

“You know I’ve flown all over the world all over the country these last this last year.”

“Governors it’s truly to have a pleasure to have you all here.”

“I doubt whether anyone would think that 12 years is enough in the 21st second half of the twenty the second quarter of the 21st century.”

“But democracy’s but democracy’s vision victory was not certain.”

“Relocating tens of thousands of Assghans Afghans….”

“Everybody no matter who you’re city suburban ur or rural….”

“Some of you y’all thought it was good idea but I’ll be I I I’m I’d surprised if some of you didn’t go…”

“But look let’s let me ask you a rhetorical question no I won’t anyway.”

“It doesn’t have modern safety fissures features.”

“What the hell heck are we talking about?”

“Where the hell heck are we? No I’m serious.”

“Can you think of any other president who has done as much in one year? Name one for me. I’m serious.”

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
Which books? If it's the same ones as last time not many people are going to want their kids looking at them. People have this hang-up about their 6 year olds looking at illustrations of how to give oral sex.
its not about specific books. the law is taking away a protection for librarians and teachers who have books that reference things such as masturbation, even if done in an educational context

if caught, the librarians could go to jail. and it also severely restricts what a health class teacher can talk about

its just more conservative bullshit. they view sex, nudity, sexuality, etc through such an ignorant lense. and, by law, they are forcing the rest of their state to do so as well


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
its not about specific books. the law is taking away a protection for librarians and teachers who have books that reference things such as masturbation, even if done in an educational context

if caught, the librarians could go to jail. and it also severely restricts what a health class teacher can talk about

its just more conservative bullshit. they view sex, nudity, sexuality, etc through such an ignorant lense. and, by law, they are forcing the rest of their state to do so as well
Prepubescent kids shouldn't be taught how to masturbate you weirdo.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
thats not at what i said. thats the thought that went through your mind. fuck off
It's what I referred to in the previous post, which is why I asked the question. When I heard about it I thought "Banning books? Fuck that." Then when I took the time to look into the specifics it was very difficult to make the argument that elementary schools should have books about how trans people should go about having sex.