Society The Joseph R Biden Show

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kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
It's what I referred to in the previous post, which is why I asked the question. When I heard about it I thought "Banning books? Fuck that." Then when I took the time to look into the specifics it was very difficult to make the argument that elementary schools should have books about how trans people should go about having sex.
oh ok. i am unfamiliar with that example, so your first message wasnt even on my mind. i thought you just randomly came up with a specific exanple and accused me of it. sorry

this law isnt about a specific book. its about liability.

if the governor signs this bill into law, librarians are going to have to panic about everything in their library, such as "a song of ice and fire" (game of thrones) which has adult content within it

as if young kids walking around alone inside a library and reading naughty adult stuff was ever a problem


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
oh ok. i am unfamiliar with that example, so your first message wasnt even on my mind. i thought you just randomly came up with a specific exanple and accused me of it. sorry

this law isnt about a specific book. its about liability.

if the governor signs this bill into law, librarians are going to have to panic about everything in their library, such as "a song of ice and fire" (game of thrones) which has adult content within it

as if young kids walking around alone inside a library and reading naughty adult stuff was ever a problem
The reason it's becoming an issue now is that advocacy groups are attempting to introduce things into libraries that no reasonable person would want there under the guise of "equity".

John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021


Dec 15, 2018
Yes he's too old for the job, yes he generates word salad sometimes because of that.

You don't have any standing at all to criticise him for that. An articulate President is important to you? Since when? Trump is inarticulate, where are your memes about that? Obama was a tremendous off-the-cuff speaker, did you spend much time applauding him for that?

I have no standing? LoL this is America still not Kangaroo land sir. Unless you're mentally handicapped you know damn well Joe Biden is a 79-year old man who is declining mentally daily and suffers from Dementia most likely. It's a fucking embarassment to see him in public for even 5 minutes a day if his handlers allow him. All they do is protect him from the public watching this shitshow daily.

We all get you have a seething hatred of Trump and that's fine. I've always liked Biden until recently when he has no business being where he is. He should be in a home eating ice cream for the rest of his life but instead he's being propped up by his wife and handlers. Such a shame...

LoL @ bringing up Obama who was in his 40's and young as fuck for a President.

Biden gets lost doing the simplest of things...


John Lee Pettimore

Further south than you
May 18, 2021
I have no standing? LoL this is America still not Kangaroo land sir. Unless you're mentally handicapped you know damn well Joe Biden is a 79-year old man who is declining mentally daily and suffers from Dementia most likely.
My stance on Biden from the moment he declared is that he should not have entered the race, because IMO, the President of the United States is not a job for a fucking 80 year old.

It's a fucking embarassment to see him in public
But see, this is not really a valid stance, coming from you. Doddering as he is, Biden is FAR less of a national embarrassment as a POTUS than Trump was. Has Biden ever saluted a North Korean general? How senile do you think he has to get before he doesn't know better than that?

We all get you have a seething hatred of Trump and that's fine.
Trump is a fucking disaster for America and for the Western world, and as a man, he is an absolute disgrace. The precedents he has set are extremely troubling, and he has rapidly accelerated America's decline and set the country against itself. American politics is FAR more toxic and dysfunctional after his term.

I've always liked Biden until recently when he has no business being where he is.
Always liked him, until the right wing blogosphere starts pumping out nonstop lies and distortions about him for you to consume and spread.

He should be in a home eating ice cream for the rest of his life but instead he's being propped up by his wife and handlers. Such a shame...
Yes, and the tragedy of that is that he was somehow, unbelievably, still the better option. If only because he takes the job and its responsibilities seriously, and because he wants America to be a functional democracy. It really is as stark as that.

LoL @ bringing up Obama who was in his 40's and young as fuck for a President.
You trashed Biden for being inarticulate. Is that an important quality for you in a President? Apparently not.

Biden gets lost doing the simplest of things...

Yep and guess what? I could give you gifs of Trump looking every bit as confused and frail and lost. Enough with the geriatrics holding the most important job in the country, eh? ?
