Good post! I'm still torn as to whether Ronda could do better in a rematch. I am leaning toward no and I will explain why. While I agree with almost all of your points, I do think Ronda tried to stand and trade with Holly, and for all the wrong reasons - emotion, pride, etc. I believe she only resorted to grappling when she got hurt. That is, I just came to this conclusion after watching it again. She made a point of saying she wanted to stand and show the world she's a great boxer, Edmond said the same shit.. she said she wanted to go into boxing, blah blah. I think she truly believed that she had heavy enough hands that if she tagged Holly, she'd go down. Then once she didn't go down, and Ronda was not able to tag her clean 90% of the time, Ronda started to clinch up and go for trips after getting hit over and over.
But they didn't work, and she even gave up on THAT and just started flailing and running around aimlessly, almost begging to get knocked out. I mean when Holly juked her in the second round, that was insane and showed Holly's entire understanding of footwork and standing combat is so many levels beyond Ronda that she will never catch up. And even more bizarre ,although it could have been because she was rocked and gassed combined, but when Ronda fell over right before the headkick and got up... You NEVER get up the way she did in a fight. ever! Even an ammy would know that. To try and stand up with NO guard at all with your hands, and your back literally turned to your opponent? Shockingly foolish and Ronda paid the price for it heavily. She never saw that kick coming and Holly capitalized on the biggest mistake Ronda ever made in her career (trying to get to her feet the way she did with Holly mere inches behind her right before the headkick)
I think that after enduring a round of punishment and being totally outclassed, Ronda was not only desperate, but incredibly frustrated and angry that she could not do anything to Holly. That is why she charged at her like a bull chasing a matador early in the round and fell completely into the cage. After that moment Ronda seemed to have completely give up on anything resembling logic or a game plan, and proceeded to just chase her on wobbly, wild legs.. and when she did, and she fell, she decided to get up without guarding herself in anyway WITH HER BACK FACING HER OPPONENT! That, to me, shows that the pressure and frustration absolutely had to have gotten to her and reached its peak at that point, to make such a rookie mistake. It was almost like Ronda forgot how to fight when the 2nd round hit because she was so mad.
She is a super emotional person and I can imagine that inside she was raging that the fight was not going her way at that point and wanted BADLY to just crush Holly, similar to how someone who is seething mad at some kid in a school fight would be, literally just chasing him with rage filling his sight, thinking only of "I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" and not being a calm, cool and collected fighter who is living in the moment and reacting perfectly to every movement of their opponent. Ronda stopped setting things up, she fought purely on emotion by the end and the desire to hurt Holm somehow, that logic went completely out the window, to the point that she STOOD UP WITH HER BACK TO HOLLY INCHES AWAY WITH HER HANDS AT HER WAIST
I CANNOT CAPITALIZE AND EMPHASIZE THAT ENOUGH. Lol. That is the number 1 thing you are taught at any beginner class for any striking art you'll ever learn.. don't turn your back on your opponent.. nevermind when you are on the ground, they are directly behind you, and you get up blindly without shielding yourself.. oh and your opponent happens to be a world champion striker
I just think that all the pressure finally got to Rousey - both inside and outside the cage - and when she finally was getting beat up by someone who was a superior fighter, her instincts showed, and that was to fight on emotion and not technique. Whereas Holly was the exact opposite - a stone cold, measured killer, carefully planning and setting up traps with her footwork, parrying and movement, to lure Ronda into multiple straight lefts and finally, one of the most brutal headkicks I have ever seen
Holly is a fucking master, and while I do think Ronda is an amazing fighter, this was the first time we ever saw her in trouble. It reveals a lot about a fighter to see how they react when they are finally in trouble for the first time in their career .And, well, Ronda did not react well.
For example? Fedor vs Fujita. Fedor gets clipped with a MONSTER shot that almost no man can take, literally does the chicken dance and is nearly knocked out cold. However, this man has no emotion associated with fighting at all.. and his instinct is the correct one - to immediately close the distance, clinch, hold, and recover. After less than 30 seconds, he was then firing off one of the most ruthless body kicks in MMA history, a few hard shots, and a choke that ended the fight shortly after he was almost knocked dead.
Ronda is an emotional human being at heart - I've read her book and I am a big fan of hers actually - but looking back, it seems like we should have seen this one coming.. as far as how she'd react under extreme pressure like that. I don't see Ronda as the type of fighter who can absorb a ton of punishment, remain calm and comeback to win. I believe she's a bully type fighter.. and if her initial crazy blitzes of poewr punches, trips, throws ,and arm bar attempts do not work.. once Ronda has fired off everything in her arsenal, she has no plan B, and will fold under someone who does.
That is not saying she is not a great fighter. But to be the GREATEST, you have to be able to do the shit listed above.
Tone Stizzy. Really high. Seasoned giraffe ribs. Peace