What would Cyborg do to Rousey?

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TMMAC Addict
Jan 22, 2015
Have you had to cut weight, down to as low as you could got and try ta cut another 5 , 10 pounds? Its not easy. Cyborg is a 145er and to fight she has to cut more? Lol Hope she makes it and is healthy see what excuse comes out.
Cyborg would have to lose muscle mass to fight at 135. No one is expecting her to cut water from 170lb.


Posting Machine
May 25, 2015
Have you had to cut weight, down to as low as you could got and try ta cut another 5 , 10 pounds? Its not easy. Cyborg is a 145er and to fight she has to cut more? Lol Hope she makes it and is healthy see what excuse comes out.
Cyborg is muscular. It's easy too lose muscle. You stop hitting the weights like a bodybuilder, do high endurance training and cut calories. It's one of the easiest things to do. By doing this Cyborg would have better cardio, be faster and less stiff. She would be weaker but not any weaker than anyone else at 135 lbs and probably still stronger. I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
Speaking of Cyborg, does she even have an opponent yet for her "140lb" fight or they just going to toss some fighter not even close to the level on like as little notice as possible? I mean the card is literally 15 days away


Oct 30, 2015
I always thought Cyborg had a real good shot to beat Ronda but now I know it for a fact. Cyborg and Holm can beat Ronda over and over and over again and I really do believe that.

Left hand cemetery

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Because Ronda isn't the best in the world anymore. You said it. The fight made sense when they were both destroying people. With all the excuses Cyborg has made over the years and Ronda looking horrible and losing the title. I doubt too many people care about that fight anymore. If it happens, it happens but a golden opportunity was missed.
I respectfully disagree, there's unfinished business between those two.

Van Terminator

The Lizard King
Nov 18, 2015
How measured/technical is Cyborg? I get the impression from Saturday that keeping a cool head and staying light on the feet is the key to beating Rousey. She did manage to wobble Holm momentarily with one of those wild haymakers, so it seems there is some unrefined power there.

From the little I've seen of Cyborg, she seems more likely to give up her balance in order to throw a hard shot, which would leave open to the headlock-throw-armbar of doom.

Left hand cemetery

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
More likely Ronda's haters see blood in the water but the big money fight is gone as of right now.
What the same "haters" that have been calling for that fight for years??
When you constantly dog someone behind the safety of a weight class you should back up your claim, no??

Like someone else said now Ronda's lost her belt, she's not obligated to stay at 135 and seeing as she feels so strongly about cyborg, give Ronda another can to crush to get her confidence back and then make the cyborg fight


Posting Machine
May 25, 2015
What the same "haters" that have been calling for that fight for years??
When you constantly dog someone behind the safety of a weight class you should back up your claim, no??

Like someone else said now Ronda's lost her belt, she's not obligated to stay at 135 and seeing as she feels so strongly about cyborg, give Ronda another can to crush to get her confidence back and then make the cyborg fight
Ronda beats Cyborg at 140 too. At 145 she'll need some time to bulk up in Thailand.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
I think Ronda would have had a lot easier of a time with Cyborg in the cage. Cyborg is a wild brawler. She has little to no technique. Almost no footwork to speak of, at all. Her entire game relies upon bullying people with her strength and throwing wild punches.

Obviously Ronda does the same sort of thing, so yeah, but Holly Holm's striking is absolutely worlds beyond Cyborg. Does anyone remember what happened the last time Cyborg fought an actual striker (in Muay Thai)? She got wrecked and it looked like an amateur fighting a pro. The Dutch woman who she fought (name escapes me, phone too slow to google right now) worked circles around her, knocked her down and generally fucked her up.

That's the difference between someone who is a professional striker and has competed in that sport all their life, and someone who is mostly a brawler in MMA. In MMA you have to learn so many other thousands of things that it's not possible to get your striking on the level of a Holly Holm. It's like saying Holly can get her judo to the level of Rousey or something by practicing.

Would Rousey have beaten Cyborg? If she went in with the same retarded gameplan she did against Holly (chasing after her with her hadns down, wild punching and generally lacking any fight IQ at all).. she could have easily been knocked out. But so could Cyborg, because she kind of does the same thing. Cyborg doesn't use her footwork to set up shots, doesn't counter strike... It's crazy to me that somehow people think just because Holly beat Ronda, that Cyborg would've done so easily as well. Holly and Cyborg's style as fighters can not be more different.

If Ronda did fight Cyborg, I believe the entire fight would depend on who lands first. Rousey still has heavy hands, she did clip Holly a few times (and that was about the only good thing she did in that fight.. next to nothing).. so if Rousey connects, she can hurt people. and so can Cyborg.

If they fought, I imagine they'd pretty much stand right in front of each other and throw wild punches until one of them hurts the other. You would not see a precise striking master piece like Holly put on over the weekend, you'd see a wild brawl.

That said, if Ronda can get the idea out of her brain that she is some kinda striker, and actually went in and immediately tried to trip Cyborg and work on the ground, I'd favor her chances a lot more. If they both just stood in front of each other brawling, I'd say that's a 50 /50 fight and all depends on who lands hard first.

Also, Holly would absolutely fuck Cyborg up, it would be embarrassing. I've always viewed Cyborg as a very sloppy fighter whose power and steroid usage led to her dismantling smaller women who were afraid of her by bullrushing them.

That said, Holly beats Ronda and Cyborg 10 times out of 10. Other girls in the division, I am not entirely sure. Styles make fights. If Pennington and Germaine gave her such trouble by not rushing in and playing into her counter strtiking game the way Ronda has. Who knows what other girls might be able to do against her? If you do not run at Holly full speed, it seems that she has trouble pulling the trigger. Ronda played right into her game and displayed one of the worst fight IQs I have ever seen.


Nov 3, 2015
If Ronda did fight Cyborg, I believe the entire fight would depend on who lands first. Rousey still has heavy hands, she did clip Holly a few times (and that was about the only good thing she did in that fight.. next to nothing).. so if Rousey connects, she can hurt people. and so can Cyborg.
I would say the trip and the almost-armbar were the best things she did this fight. :) And some work in the clinch - or to the clinch was neat too. In fact, if Ronda would have gotten that armbar.. imagine how different the situation would be right now. And I think it was closer than most people realize. But, Holly was too composed, did not panic, strong and smart. Her grappling-defense is what made this scorching on the feet possible.

What we don't know is, how Cyborgs grappling-defense for Ronda's game is. If she can neutralize Ronda's biggest threats.. I'd assume she wins on the feet as well, maybe even goes for takedowns herself and GNP.

But agreed that it is also a mistake to overhype Holly right now. She looked fantastic here, but everybody is beatable. And Ronda is still a big threat to her, especially if she has a smarter gameplan and can integrate some MMA-grappling into her game. She won't beat her on the feet anytime soon. The ground it has to be.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Good point, but I gotta rewatch it! It was so crazy on the first viewing that I was just taken back by Ronda getting wrecked. However, is it more impressive that Ronda went for an arm bar on Holly, or that Holly, a professional boxer, easily escaped it and even took Ronda down in the fight?

I think it goes both ways for sure. I wanna rewatch it without the emotion attached and analyze exactly how the shit went down. I'm still shocked over the fight.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
And as far as Cyborg's grappling? Well, it was a few years back, but Gina Carano of all people had her mounted. Not saying Gina isn't a bad ass (and amazing), but she was not a ground specialist. I think Ronda easily beats Cyborg if she can get her on the ground, but will she? I feel like Ronda's trips and whatnot have gotten a bit weaker, she wasn't able to easily throw Bethe, and Holly (again, a pro boxer) was able to defend against her trips/throws pretty decent.

Ronda seems to want to prove a point and stand up in her fights now.. which was the worst idea possible against Holly. Bethe is one thing, but against a champion boxer, I just don't get it. I truly think she kinda bought into her own hype from being on the Ring cover, to whatever Edmond was feeding her all the time. She has power, but she is just simply not a solid technical striker. Her striking improved leaps and bounds from when she first started just a few short years ago, and her power developed nicely, but technique wise.. IDK. Seemed like she only started grappling w/ Holly when she was already hurt and realized she couldn't hang on the feet.

You gotta wonder how the fight plays out if, when Ronda bull rushed Holly, instead of constantly trying to throw hands, she endlessly went for the clinch, trips, etc. She did come close in that one arm bar.. if she had another chance, she very well may have gotten it.

Again, I've only seen it once, so I dunno for sure


Nov 3, 2015
See I don't think she especially tried to box Holm at all, she tried the same thing she always does.. sloppy boxing and slinging wild hooks to get on the inside and get the clinch. Holly just got away fast enough, or countered and stopped her attack soon enough and circled out - she timed Ronda very well. And when she didn't, Ronda immediately went for the clinch.
Ronda just was not able to avoid keeping it standing, I don't believe it is what she wanted at all. She wanted to go to the clinch and the ground asap and as often as possible, that was her gameplan I believe. Holly just wasn't there for it most of the time, and while pursuing that, Holly clipped Ronda good. Those shots were not fun for her.
And Ronda just does not have good takedowns outside of the clinch, and that was a big problem. Same that she did not go for position when she was on the ground, she immediately tried to take the arm, which is her normal game, but it just was too shallow to beat Holm this night.
Holm defended well in the clinch, and even her takedown of Ronda was a defensive one I think. It was just there and a fast way to get out of the clinch.

Only after 4 minutes or so in round 1 I thought I was seeing Ronda panic and chasing hard after Holly, here the end began. She already was damaged, exhausted, and now desperate. And she, and her coach were not able to fix anything in between the rounds.

And yes it is more impressive that Holm was able to answer all the questions Ronda gave her. Realistically, it is as hard for Holly to avoid every Judo-technique that was perfected by Ronda for years and years, as it is for Ronda to have an answer on the feet against Holly.

Holly made her homework and took her strengths to the fight, but also worked hard to be able to neutralize Rondas.
Ronda relied on her own strengths, and it was not enough.

About Cyborgs current ability.. man, I really have no clue, but I am eager to find out. :)
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Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Good post! I'm still torn as to whether Ronda could do better in a rematch. I am leaning toward no and I will explain why. While I agree with almost all of your points, I do think Ronda tried to stand and trade with Holly, and for all the wrong reasons - emotion, pride, etc. I believe she only resorted to grappling when she got hurt. That is, I just came to this conclusion after watching it again. She made a point of saying she wanted to stand and show the world she's a great boxer, Edmond said the same shit.. she said she wanted to go into boxing, blah blah. I think she truly believed that she had heavy enough hands that if she tagged Holly, she'd go down. Then once she didn't go down, and Ronda was not able to tag her clean 90% of the time, Ronda started to clinch up and go for trips after getting hit over and over.

But they didn't work, and she even gave up on THAT and just started flailing and running around aimlessly, almost begging to get knocked out. I mean when Holly juked her in the second round, that was insane and showed Holly's entire understanding of footwork and standing combat is so many levels beyond Ronda that she will never catch up. And even more bizarre ,although it could have been because she was rocked and gassed combined, but when Ronda fell over right before the headkick and got up... You NEVER get up the way she did in a fight. ever! Even an ammy would know that. To try and stand up with NO guard at all with your hands, and your back literally turned to your opponent? Shockingly foolish and Ronda paid the price for it heavily. She never saw that kick coming and Holly capitalized on the biggest mistake Ronda ever made in her career (trying to get to her feet the way she did with Holly mere inches behind her right before the headkick)

I think that after enduring a round of punishment and being totally outclassed, Ronda was not only desperate, but incredibly frustrated and angry that she could not do anything to Holly. That is why she charged at her like a bull chasing a matador early in the round and fell completely into the cage. After that moment Ronda seemed to have completely give up on anything resembling logic or a game plan, and proceeded to just chase her on wobbly, wild legs.. and when she did, and she fell, she decided to get up without guarding herself in anyway WITH HER BACK FACING HER OPPONENT! That, to me, shows that the pressure and frustration absolutely had to have gotten to her and reached its peak at that point, to make such a rookie mistake. It was almost like Ronda forgot how to fight when the 2nd round hit because she was so mad.

She is a super emotional person and I can imagine that inside she was raging that the fight was not going her way at that point and wanted BADLY to just crush Holly, similar to how someone who is seething mad at some kid in a school fight would be, literally just chasing him with rage filling his sight, thinking only of "I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" and not being a calm, cool and collected fighter who is living in the moment and reacting perfectly to every movement of their opponent. Ronda stopped setting things up, she fought purely on emotion by the end and the desire to hurt Holm somehow, that logic went completely out the window, to the point that she STOOD UP WITH HER BACK TO HOLLY INCHES AWAY WITH HER HANDS AT HER WAIST

I CANNOT CAPITALIZE AND EMPHASIZE THAT ENOUGH. Lol. That is the number 1 thing you are taught at any beginner class for any striking art you'll ever learn.. don't turn your back on your opponent.. nevermind when you are on the ground, they are directly behind you, and you get up blindly without shielding yourself.. oh and your opponent happens to be a world champion striker

I just think that all the pressure finally got to Rousey - both inside and outside the cage - and when she finally was getting beat up by someone who was a superior fighter, her instincts showed, and that was to fight on emotion and not technique. Whereas Holly was the exact opposite - a stone cold, measured killer, carefully planning and setting up traps with her footwork, parrying and movement, to lure Ronda into multiple straight lefts and finally, one of the most brutal headkicks I have ever seen

Holly is a fucking master, and while I do think Ronda is an amazing fighter, this was the first time we ever saw her in trouble. It reveals a lot about a fighter to see how they react when they are finally in trouble for the first time in their career .And, well, Ronda did not react well.

For example? Fedor vs Fujita. Fedor gets clipped with a MONSTER shot that almost no man can take, literally does the chicken dance and is nearly knocked out cold. However, this man has no emotion associated with fighting at all.. and his instinct is the correct one - to immediately close the distance, clinch, hold, and recover. After less than 30 seconds, he was then firing off one of the most ruthless body kicks in MMA history, a few hard shots, and a choke that ended the fight shortly after he was almost knocked dead.

Ronda is an emotional human being at heart - I've read her book and I am a big fan of hers actually - but looking back, it seems like we should have seen this one coming.. as far as how she'd react under extreme pressure like that. I don't see Ronda as the type of fighter who can absorb a ton of punishment, remain calm and comeback to win. I believe she's a bully type fighter.. and if her initial crazy blitzes of poewr punches, trips, throws ,and arm bar attempts do not work.. once Ronda has fired off everything in her arsenal, she has no plan B, and will fold under someone who does.

That is not saying she is not a great fighter. But to be the GREATEST, you have to be able to do the shit listed above.

Tone Stizzy. Really high. Seasoned giraffe ribs. Peace


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Agreed that it is also a mistake to overhype Holly right now. She looked fantastic here, but everybody is beatable.

Before I forget/finish, I did just wanna add one last thing about this perfectly brilliant statement that most people can't seem to grasp.

everybody is beatable. EVERYONE.

Think about this guys... How many fighters throughout the history of the fucking world in combat sports have there been? From a journeyman level to the most elite pros throughout history? So many thousands it'd be impossible to try and collect every boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts fighters and more. How many of those thousands of fighters went through an entire career at the top levels of the sport and retired without EVER being defeated?

You can count them on one hand.

Fedor lost. Anderson lost. GSP lost. Hughes lost. Ali lost. Joe Louis lost. Duran lost. Robinson lost. Petrosyan lost. "Karelin lost". I could go on and on and on.

Jon Jones will lose one day. Holly will lose in MMA at some point. Weidman will lose. Aldo will lose. I can go on and on...

Everyone is going to lose unless they are truly lucky. Not special, just lucky. Lucky that somehow, they didn't get that one matchup where they finally faced a guy who had their number... or lucky that they somehow made enough money to retire, like Floyd, without ever tasting defeat through carefully selecting opponents AND being one of the most skilled fighters in world history.

Jon Jones isn't even 30 yet. Weidman too. Everyone is gonna lose at some point. Although it CAN happen, guys like Marciano, Floyd, and to a much lesser extent Calzaghe (who did not face the level of opposition as other all time greats, not even close)... those guys are extremely lucky, and I doubt that by the time I am dead and gone, there will have been more than a dozen elite fighters across all combat sports who have retired completely unblemished without ever tasting defeat.

Losing is part of the game.. and let me just add (and everyone who knows me knows I am a massive boxing fan).. that it is much easier to go undefeated your entire career in boxing, because in MMA, there are SO many more ways to lose. That's why you see so many elite guys/champs with several losses on their records. There are just way too many damn variables to fight an entire career, 15+ years at the top level of the game, and never slip up for that ONE second.

K I'm out dudes.

Fuck man, fighting is nuts. What a fascinating thing. What an incredibly difficult thing to do. Those special guys like the ones I listed above who had incredibly long runs without losing.. Fedor, Silva, Aldo & Jones currently, etc... Man, those are truly special people, the ones who either never lost or went year after year without tasting defeat the top levels of the game. Amazing fighters who, somehow, not only are amazing physically, but are absolute brilliant geniuses when it comes to what their mind is doing once they get in there. That is what makes them the GOATs and how they continued on without a loss for so long.. their mind.



Nov 3, 2015
Hehe, you are correct on the emotion thing and that she had no plan b. That is an issue of preparation though.
And maybe there was some of that "I'm going to beat you standing even" in her mind, but I do think she tried to rely on her Judo first and foremost.

The way she got up was unbelievably stupid, yes, she wasn't able to think clearly or still did not understand what was happening. By the way, did you notice how Holly gave her a little push after she stood up so she would be in perfect range for that kick? Marvellous! That is the sort of calm a truly great striker needs.

And regarding the back-thing. Uriah Hall turned around and showed his back to Whittaker a couple of times in their fight, and it seemed really weird as well, but as a defensive tactic seems like... it was a little odd.


Active Member
Oct 26, 2015
I still dont understand how some of you are totally writing Ronda off. She murdered far better talent than Holy decisioned, Cyborg is a brawler and has has nowhere near the technique Holy does. Im not saying Rhonda ever beats Holm but to say she is all hype is absurd. I dont believe any form of Anderson beats Chis but does that make Anderson a nobody?