General Russia Ukraine round 2 Price hike boogaloo

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Nov 21, 2015
its sad to think how many people die in trenches like that due to people three times their age, sitting in an office


1000% FACT!

Gerald Celente's 4 Rules For Peace

He had me at Rule #1

Wiser words have never been spoken.

Just don't believe anything he says regarding precious metals and logical valuations...

This poor sweet summer child actually believed "Fundamentals" and rational thought mattered and we were going to stop shorting
Gold & Silver into oblivion just because any logical thought says they should have sky rocketed given the M3 money supply,
the FED's reckless money printing and the US 30Trillion dollar debt.

JP Morgan & the boys over at Citadel signaled their intent and the rest of us got on board shorted that shit to to near irrelavancy

Market Survival Rule #1 "The Markets can remain irrational far longer then you can remain solvent"

Anyway, his thoughts on WAR I do agree with!





La Paix

Fuck this place
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
We probably sold it to them in the first place
The Krasukha is a mobile, ground-based EW system, produced by KRET

KRET is one of the largest Russian electronics holding companies. Established in 2009, it is a subsidiary of the Rostec State Corporation

A major player in this field is Rostec, Russia’s military-industrial behemoth, which incorporates over 700 companies and employs over half a million people. This state-owned corporation oversees the research and development of military technologies and owns several production facilities, which play an instrumental role in putting those technologies into operation on the battlefield. Rostec and its subsidiaries produce a dizzying array of military equipment, from helicopters and armored fighting vehicles to Kalashnikov rifles and night vision goggles. If the Russian military can use it, Rostec has had a hand in making it.