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Apr 18, 2015
In defense of my comrade MMAHAWK @MMAHAWK he just likes to point to the contradictions in the team sports nature of dems/reps and isn't the rabid righty you all imagine. He's a union man and an essential worker in a high exposure risk job at that all throughout this pandemic so despite his playing ratings games on here, just know he's an embryonic Marxist just waiting to emerge from his egg like the Phoenix.

member 1013

In defense of my comrade MMAHAWK @MMAHAWK he just likes to point to the contradictions in the team sports nature of dems/reps and isn't the rabid righty you all imagine. He's a union man and an essential worker at that all throughout this pandemic so despite his playing ratings games on here, just know he's an embryonic Marxist just waiting to emerge from his egg like the Phoenix.
you guys gonna purge my family again? You marxists is all da same


Real Gs come from California.America Muthafucker
Feb 5, 2015
In defense of my comrade MMAHAWK @MMAHAWK he just likes to point to the contradictions in the team sports nature of dems/reps and isn't the rabid righty you all imagine. He's a union man and an essential worker in a high exposure risk job at that all throughout this pandemic so despite his playing ratings games on here, just know he's an embryonic Marxist just waiting to emerge from his egg like the Phoenix.
Thanks Comrade

but don’t forget I live in lefty paradise.

Even you questioned why LA’s roads were 75% bike lanes

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
They might be slow-playing it so the Dems keep screaming "THERE'S NOTHING THERE!" just like "THERE IS NO LAPTOP!"

After enough time, they'll set the hook.

Then the Dems be like...

Then the GOP be like:

And all the while, the kids be like...

lol solid post. but keep in mind the type of Floridians that DeSantis is trying to appeal to

- these are the people that get interviewed at Trump rallies and say that gas prices are Bidens fault
- they go on to say that Trump is actually president right now
- when asked, "oh so gas prices are actually Trumps fault?" their brains malfunction

logic is not required for these momos

kaladin stormblessed

Nala fanboy
Apr 24, 2017
my uncle is a Sheriff in Florida. he and i were the only conservatives in the family that i know of (most of my fam is non-political)

he doesnt give a shit about transgender sports or CRT in math textbooks. he wants shit like low property tax, more funding for the police probably. shit like that

the CRT stuff annoys me because its largely just a squirrel. it allows corrupt democrats and republicans alike to not have to deal with the real issue today, which is that Corporations have bought out most politicians as well as MSM