General 10 dead in Buffalo supermarket shooting

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member 3289

@conor mcgregor nut hugger I have nothing else to say to you other than you've already been warned that you're 1 pinking away from being banned. You think calling someone a beaner isn't that bad, calling posters chomos on here is ok, and posting anti-semitic images is ok because it's an inside joke but come at me and others like you're some good dude and think we're the bad ones...
I'm not addressing your outrageous claims until you tell me why you think being mixed race is a negative thing.

Stop encouraging people like the Buffalo shooter.


First 1025
Oct 18, 2015
Dunno if it's been posted here yet because I haven't kept up with my own thread, but he streamed via Twitch. Twitch killed the stream after a couple of minutes, but there are recordings circling around.

member 1013

I mean I've told you this before:

Many of your memes are anti jew spinoffs or other creations from the chans and stormfront. While you may not seem to recognize the source you don't seem to care too much about how people are going to take it since they are also common in straight white supremacist circles like /pol/ on the chans
i luv u


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
It's really odd to watch people be like "This happened because of the internet!" But then also mock people for saying "It was video games!" or the classic "It was rap music!".


First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Why does it seem like Republicans exclusively feel their whiteness threatened?
It's not exclusive to the huwites. Everyone is being racist, and that's why we all need more Jesse Lee Peterson in our lives. This clip was from just after the New Zealand shooting. You think white republicans are having a hard time? Try being a black republican today...



The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Why does it seem like Republicans exclusively feel their whiteness threatened?
Whites make up most of the middle class. Middle class is having a tough time, people from the middle class go looking for answers and find bad ones. Some people are at a breaking point and do shit like this.