The problem is governance, not guns.
Parents use to teach their kids, the government has gone full leftist, created an environment of single parents, put themselves as arbiters of responsibility both with arms & pharmaceuticals, and made a small issue monumentally larger.
And as large and prevalent, and SHOCKING as these shootings are, they're
still a drop in the bucket compared to the deaths the government is responsible for.
It's an easy solution.
Simply get kids off pharmaceuticals that are unnecessary, create a transparent & accountable government that puts families back together lowering emotional/psychological issues, implement community ideas regarding police respinses, limit government tyranny and liberty erosion, setup responsible firearms training, and toss out laws that inhibit freedoms gradually as progress is monitored through phases.
It's easy to think beta & REACT to fear & point a finger at a weapon, but it isn't educated freedom-oriented libertarians existing as a root cause.
This is fundamentally no different than a playground issue.
The school sports team doesn't shut down their program because Dante snapped his tibia during practice, they work the problem.
If school sports brought in no revenue, then the program
would be shut down.
31 pharmaceutical are responsible for 80% of violence of any form according to the FDA's own database.
Top ten worst are:
- script Amphetamines
- Strattera
- Luvox &
Now this is never at the crux of the issue because the CIA-run media are sponsored by them.
Follow the money, it's that simple.
The denial that reactors are in, literally a psychosis that the government is above-board and cares, is tragic.
If governments really cared about their people they wouldn't take kickbacks.
Africa wouldn't be starving & schools wouldn't be gun-free killzones
The pharma-free elite schools NEVER have these issues.
Any baseline security company could solve the problem, and good people governing would transform gun violence at schools to outliers.
Critical thought is critically low.
America's 1st and 2nd amendments are under attack & have been.
Those that don't grasp the implications of the war on 1 & 2a generally have no concept of their purposed intention or historical context.
Houston had a shooting some months ago where 3 officers were shot by one guy.
Trained shooters fires hundreds of rounds emptying magazing after magazine, and never even nicked the guy.
He surrendered several hours later unscathed.
Just that one incident makes it clear that pulling extra bullets from citizens who WILL follow the law has nothing whatsoever to do with eradicating mass shootings.
The planned degradation of families & big pharmacy are the key contributors to this country's violent episodes.
Where are those MSNBC/CNN/Fox/ABC/NBC/CBS town halls?
An armed society is a polite society.
Mutually assured destruction works.
It is the backbone of military defense as it is for the little guy.
How this simple concept eludes the frontal lobe of the loudest of the overly opinionated is....special.