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Sex Chicken

Exotic Dancer
Sep 8, 2015
Just went to the grocery store to buy chips and saw this La Paix @Dildo Swaggins style motherfucker doing circles around the parking lot on his mountain bike wearing a pair of rollerblades. Guy is stoned out of his gourd on Kelowna Kush.

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I’ve broken my collar bone twice mountain biking. I definitely didn’t scream like that bitch lol. I don’t doubt he was hurting, but c’mon man, sack up!
I actually have a broken collar bone right now flew off a bike it isnt that painful due to nature of my break it is like diagonal in the middle of the bone it is a very annoying injury tho cant raise my arm forward and I cant lift anything only time I did get a sharp ass pain is when I raised it because I didn't have xrays yet to confirm the fracture. Seems like a right of passage for us bike folk. It is going to heal as a huge bump tho according to my ortho doctor I can feel it by my trap muscle. My broken ulna might have been more pain than my collar bone injury but the collar bone injury and sling makes you less capable of doing things than a hand cast.

Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
I actually have a broken collar bone right now flew off a bike it isnt that painful due to nature of my break it is like diagonal in the middle of the bone it is a very annoying injury tho cant raise my arm forward and I cant lift anything only time I did get a sharp ass pain is when I raised it because I didn't have xrays yet to confirm the fracture. Seems like a right of passage for us bike folk. It is going to heal as a huge bump tho according to my ortho doctor I can feel it by my trap muscle. My broken ulna might have been more pain than my collar bone injury but the collar bone injury and sling makes you less capable of doing things than a hand cast.
Definitely a right of passage for bike folk. Almost everyone in the group of guys I mountain bike with has broke one or both at some point. Just takes that one wrong trip over the handlebars! I definitely have a big noticeable bump where mine healed.

take it easy bro, and hope you heal up soon.