General Petition to unban CMNH

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For what it's worth
Jan 30, 2016
Imo rather than a ban, I think what we could use is a 2 way ignore system. The current ignore system only allows you to not see someone else's posts, but it they can see yours, they still can comment on you, react etc. If there were a two way ban system, people who wanted less of a particular user in their forum diet could opt out without being subjected to abuse or interaction from the same user. Tagging or quoting that user would also be disabled. It's effectively a restraining order.

Banning on behalf of "the community" is a useful tactic, but overwhelmingly it's been the same types of disputes causing flare ups and the argument style of both sets of actors is always to claim innocence or self defense. It's difficult to post here unless you have a particular sense of humor and some people are just less talented at back and forth than others. I wonder if it the future @Splinty will be able to plug a sentiment analysis algorithm into the forum that monitors users who have had interactions that led to reports or blocks and ask the user if they're sure they want to make that post or require pre-approval for it from a mod. This seems more nimble than the banhammer, which overwhelmingly seems to skew in a particular political direction.
@Splinty doesn’t have time for all that. I volunteered (as tribute) to be a moderator solely of his posts.

Robbie Hart

All Kamala Voters Are Born Losers, Ha Ha Ha
Feb 13, 2015
What happened? And who started this thread? I keep seeing it on the main pages summary

Dick Niaz

Yearning for TMMAC days gone by
Jan 14, 2018
Robbie Hart @Robbie Hart you can catch up on it here

Long story short, Nut Hugger has been permanently banned.

This was horrible foreshadowing:


Remember the 5th of November
Oct 21, 2015
Thats fine but there is a genuine grass online as we speak.
CMNH is not even here anymore and his thread has still brought more views to the forum than all the people that complain about him have in years.

If he would have rage quit, ran to the OG after complaining about there, then came back and contributed nothing of substance to this forum he would still be around.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
What about if I regulate his post? I've not been a regulator for a few years, do you you guys even listen to Leigh @Leigh he policeS this place like the sheriff of Nottingham, pinks us all, and can beat us all up (apart from me)

Dick Niaz

Yearning for TMMAC days gone by
Jan 14, 2018
No, what happened?
I’m not spoon-feeding you the answers. If I do that, you’ll never learn.


He got into it with a few people in a political thread (shocking, I know). Rambo John J @Rambo John J reported him twice. Wild @Wild felt it was deserving of being the last straw and dropped the ban hammer.

Forum is split on whether it was unjustified or overdue.
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