This toughness got some generations through a depression, a world war, a cultural revolution, standing up against slavery, racism, etc. If Martin Luther King was easily triggered, or Winston Churchill for that matter, where would we be? That is indeed a good question to ask.
Toughness is what is closest to what you see in nature, a grand scheme to keep species alive. Strive and competition are severely hampered by constant victim behavior. Even in our personal lives as we live them, it never has served us even once to behave as a victim.
To be tough doesn't mean being an asshole, but it is showing courage in the face of adversitiy, standing up what you believe in, making a change instead of staring at the status quo with your hands in your pockets. We all are a result of this toughness, we now have the luxury to be triggered by a silly word, or the violent act of clapping one's hands.
This pussification, as some may call it, is the acceptance of the victim role. Where once resilience was required to develop as a person, now you have the option to lock yourself in a room feeling victimized and blog about it.
It doesn't mean that I'd condone bigotry or inequality, debate should always be an option.