Dana White Nightclub Fight with Wife on NYE

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Nov 21, 2015
well i disagree if you feel confident enough to put your hands on me man or woman expect to receive what you give.
My momma told me the same.

"Baby don't you ever let some crazy, violent, disrespectful ho beat the hell outta
you. You slap the shit out her ass and if she got a problem with it she can come see me" - Momma Dukes
Nov 21, 2015
Nah, I’ve been smacked down a few times
I took a good beating from one who now agrees she bitched me down and laughs about it
You just don’t hit a chick
One was an Italian chick who wanted a reaction ??
Nope, don’t hurt chicks
It makes me laugh as I’ve been twatted by a few chicks who had bad intentions, but it is what is. I didnt respond
Just walk away and live another day
Try that shit with a west african black girl with Serena Williams strength and you wont live to tell the story
Nov 21, 2015
dana dont give a fuck lol
Zero Fucks... Absolutely ZERO fucks given

I must admit I envy the motherfucker.

If there was even a hint of a story that I "may" have at some point in the last 50 years, slightly grazed
a woman across the face in anger my firm would disown me, force me to sell my shares and act as if
I never fucking existed.

This cat almost Ray Riced' a chick and keeps doing boss shit like it never happened.
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