Society The "vaccine"

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The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Any other filthy anti-vaxxers (Covid only) like me here who are happier and happier with your decision to not get jabbed with each passing day? We can debate the accuracy of VAERS all day, but it certainly seems that these vaccines have more side effects than any others that have been widely rolled out before, even if it’s only a small percentage who experience them. And that’s not something I’m happy about by any means - most of my family, friends, and colleagues are jabbed. ?
That's hard to quantify, nothing has ever been distributed this widely before. Personally I know as many people who died of COVID as I do died from vaccine complications. 0.

Coriolis Sniper

Active Member
Feb 25, 2023
That was a good post huh Coriolis Sniper @Coriolis Sniper ?

Every few weeks or so when I'm hung over I'll spit out some lengthy rants worth publication.
The truth is like an onion whose layers must be peeled back one by one. Only in this case the truth is so obscured in lies that the onion is rotten almost to the core. The truth should be obvious and self-evident, but in these times it takes a special type of person to be willing to wade through the rancid stench of propaganda and deception. Most people are too domesticated and demoralized to even have the desire to try.

So yes, I think you did a great job of peeling back a few layers very succinctly. Unfortunately it's lost on those who need to hear it the most.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2015
That's hard to quantify, nothing has ever been distributed this widely before. Personally I know as many people who died of COVID as I do died from vaccine complications. 0.
Fair point. Personally, I know zero people who died of Covid or had worse than a moderate flu from it. I do know 2 people who had mild heart attacks shortly after their boosters and 1 person who had a mild stroke shortly after her booster. Granted, all 3 of these people were older (over 60) and I’m not saying the heart attacks/stroke were definitely “caused” by the booster. But it was very odd for sure.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2015
Absolutely ridiculous. Our media is completely untrustworthy at this point.


Posting Machine
Mar 27, 2021
Fair point. Personally, I know zero people who died of Covid or had worse than a moderate flu from it. I do know 2 people who had mild heart attacks shortly after their boosters and 1 person who had a mild stroke shortly after her booster. Granted, all 3 of these people were older (over 60) and I’m not saying the heart attacks/stroke were definitely “caused” by the booster. But it was very odd for sure.
One of my SCADA engineers collapsed after getting his 2nd shot. Ended up in the hospital for 3mo. He's in his early 50's and in good shape.

My grandfather had a stroke & passed shortly after being vaccinated. Jan 2022. He was in perfect health and active. 94yrs old but that's a normal age for men in my family. Doctor actually had recently told him he expected him to see 100 with no issues. I have no proof it was the vaccine as I hadn't heard about the clotting issue then & he was cremated.

Saikyo Power!

Active Member
Mar 6, 2023
A strange thing I have seen since the vaccine rollout is the emergence of cancers that had been in remission, or underlying problems suddenly flaring up. My wife is a hospice nurse who typically sees 70-90 year old people with a few 'young' ones on occasion. These days it about 50/50 with people who are under 50 years old and over it. The strangest part is the young people are dying from shit like bladder cancer that typically hits much older people or skin cancer that was diagnosed last month. They almost always have had cancer years prior that had been in remission until recently, so it is completely plausible that it is coincidental until you notice it is suddenly happening all of the time without explanation while the elephant in the room continues to grow.

The worst part to me is that most, or likely all of them were heavily encouraged to take a completely experimental shot that went against all medical standards by their own trusted doctors due to their medical history putting them at a greater risk. Through their training these highly trained medical professionals should have known better, or they went through medical school and didnt pay attention. Either way they are all culpable IMO.


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
A strange thing I have seen since the vaccine rollout is the emergence of cancers that had been in remission, or underlying problems suddenly flaring up. My wife is a hospice nurse who typically sees 70-90 year old people with a few 'young' ones on occasion. These days it about 50/50 with people who are under 50 years old and over it. The strangest part is the young people are dying from shit like bladder cancer that typically hits much older people or skin cancer that was diagnosed last month. They almost always have had cancer years prior that had been in remission until recently, so it is completely plausible that it is coincidental until you notice it is suddenly happening all of the time without explanation while the elephant in the room continues to grow.

The worst part to me is that most, or likely all of them were heavily encouraged to take a completely experimental shot that went against all medical standards by their own trusted doctors due to their medical history putting them at a greater risk. Through their training these highly trained medical professionals should have known better, or they went through medical school and didnt pay attention. Either way they are all culpable IMO.
Dr. Ryan Cole was adamant regarding skin cancer increase post vax citing a 10,000% increase in particular cancers, 1000% increase in others, leading to a 3-500% increase overall.
This was 2 YEARS ago.
My friend who's been battling cancer for 5 years was frightened into getting the vax.
I haven't heard from her or able to get ahold of her for 8 months.


First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I had the vaccine and currently have COVID. It did fuck all