Society Who will be the 2024 US Presidential Candidates

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Pulse on the finger of The Cimmunity
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I've said it since November 2020, that was the last "election".
At least until after war/revolution...who knows when.
The Deep State will kill everyone to ensure power or blow it all up.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
If you support dumbden, you’re just completely ignorant
The guy is a moron


Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014
You all can’t see what’s coming?

Trumps first 4 years were investigations happening behind the scenes. People say “he had a chance to arrest them all but he didn’t”. He didn’t because the investigations had to occur and the evidence gathered. Then the election fraud happened and I think they captured that in real time as well. Those indictments are also sealed.

Let Joe take the WH and the world see how bad the corruption really is. Let them see whoever that is playing Biden falling down stairs, off of bikes, onto a stage, being a bumbling fool. Let them see $10 billion go to Ukraine. Let them see this trans movement being pushed on kids and so in your face. Let everyone experience inflation, high cost of living, high interest rates. Let them see that riots, looting, murders, racial divide, hate crimes, etc still happen when “the orange man that is so divisive” isn’t in office.

The executive orders he signed before leaving office allow investigations to continue during Biden’s ‘residency’. So when Trump wins in a landslide in Nov 2024 (watch it happen), he’s going to unleash 15 kinds of hell because by that time, the American public will be ready to accept it.

Trump always gives hints of what’s coming. He said “I caught them all, let’s see what happens”. I personally believe him.

I think all of those sealed indictments become public when he takes office again, and we see Hillary Clinton, Barry & Mike Obama, the Biden crime family, Bush, Fauci, Gates, Schwab, Soros, and many others arrested and convicted. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, IRS dismantled. America begins a journey back to law & order, accountability, prosperity, unity, greatness.

I know, tin foil conspiracy shit. We shall see.

My bet is he picks Keri Lake to be his VP.
i wonder what's happening to these anti-America corrupt politicians?
