That's a false dichotomy, the fact that Islam is a younger religion does not preclude it from learning from the past. That is the same argument people make about MMA and fighter pay, that it is a young sport and look how long it too for NFL players to make better wages. That isn't a very good argument as we can learn from the past even if it doesn't effect us directly.
The problem Islam runs up against is that they believe that the Quran is the literal word of God, not the word of God interpreted by man like the Bible and(I think) the Torah. This means that anything which was included in it cannot be changed or removed, like what happened in the Bible. Which creates a unique problem for moderate Muslims as they have to rationalize many outdated concepts within the book, while it also allows extremists specific verse and wording to back up their interpretations of the text, which in many ways Daesh's interpretations are more in line with the original interpretations.
That said, Islam is not going away and the vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists and do not ascribe to their views and values. If they did then the warzone would be significantly larger than specific areas of the Middle East. In fact many Muslims are fighting against Daesh, the Kurds for instance. However, many of the reasons that these specific views and values find traction is because of how the West, specifically the US and the old colonial powers - Britain mainly in the middle east, but France too - and their oil companies, have acted there. We've on many occasions acted unilaterally in the Middle East, which has created violence and strife, which leads to people losing loved ones, which in turn causes the hatred in which this ideology can find fertile soil.
Behind these ideologies are grievances that are generations old and fueled by the death and destruction we have caused in the Middle East over the twentieth century. Breaking this cycle of hatred should be our goal if we really want to end the terrorism on our doorsteps, but we also have to be realistic that some force is going to have to be used to stop the people like Daesh, which makes it a difficult problem, and it will likely define much of the twenty first century. I just hope we don't allow the western police state advocates to use this to scare us into accepting their vision of the future.