Francis was incredibly inconsistent during his UFC career and now he's off to fight enhancement talents. PRIDE didn't have the best HW division because they had Fedor. PRIDE had the best HW division because they had best HW's. According to Francis, PFL has no one to fight him. To the point that on Rogan he was suggesting that PFL is open to bringing fighters from other promotions (including the UFC). On the other hand the UFC still has the best HW's in the sport, and at least two of them have wins over Francis so their product legitimacy is just fine for the time being.
However, Dana missed out on a bunch of cash (in his defense he made the correct decision at the time, no one ever thought Fury would be so irresponsible) and Jon can't get his win over Francis so his GOAT claims have just floated away, probably forever. If Francis is smart (he isn't) he'll take his money and ride off into the sunset as the greatest heavyweight combat sports athlete the world has ever known. Instead he'll probably take a fight against Deontay thinking that he got through the Fury fight on his skill alone and get KO'ed half way through the fight. Then he'll fight some jobbers in PFL while still trying to market himself as that guy that almost beat Tyson Fury. He and Jones will finally fight when they're in their mid-40's and no one will care.