He did weaponise the media though.
He did try and get Mike pence hung. He did steal nuclear secrets. He did stack the judicial system with ultra right wing religious nuts.
He did fill his hotels with foreign entities for business deals.
This is just facts. But of course the right wing forgive everything he does.
How did he weaponize the media? Weaponizing the media would be like actively having platforms suppress, throttle or outright delete information or posts that didn't align with the desired narrative. That happened with the fabricated Russia Gate. That happened with Hunter's laptop. Burisma. Covid-19. Fauci.
Stealing nuclear secrets? Are you referring to the documents? My assumption is the media grossly exaggerated what was actually there and tried to make it appear to be way worse than what it was. You say the word "nuclear" and everyone's ears perk up. Regardless - I'd rather those "secrets" be in a box in a basement of Mar-A-Lago than living in Biden's compromised brain.
Supreme Court ultra right wing religious nuts? Maybe do some research instead of parroting what you hear on CNN. Just because someone believes in God doesn't mean they're a lunatic. The abortion thing had been talked about for decades - moving that decision back to the states where it should have been all along. Or at some point in those 50 years it should have been codified into law. I didn't agree with tSCOTUS decision WHEN they reversed it because - politically - it was horrible timing and was every bit as disorganized as the military withdrawal from Afghanistan. But the states will - and are - figuring it out.
Hotels? When foreign dignitaries come to the United States they have to sleep somewhere. During previous administrations that was sometimes at hotels that were operated under the Trump name. So when it happens when Trump is POTUS it's now to conduct "secret, backhanded business deals"? Give me a break. That's a nothing burger.