General The democrats just surrendered

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Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
Because they know it would help Trump to get sentenced before the election. If they win, he is extra screwed.


Mar 3, 2015
They are regurgitating the marching orders, the blue hairs have been losing their minds saying that Vance said school shootings are just a fact of life after Georgia. Not at all what he said and totally taken out of context.

as a father I’m tired of seeing all these school shootings. There’s a point where people’s amendment rights can be shoved up their asses. If you need to get your rocks off go shoot an AR-15 at the gun range. If you need a hand gun for home protection that’s fine. But there should be a proper vetting process in the mean time.

Schools should hire ex cops or military personnel for security purposes after passing a psych exam.


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
as a father I’m tired of seeing all these school shootings. There’s a point where people’s amendment rights can be shoved up their asses. If you need to get your rocks off go shoot an AR-15 at the gun range. If you need a hand gun for home protection that’s fine. But there should be a proper vetting process in the mean time.

Schools should hire ex cops or military personnel for security purposes after passing a psych exam.
SRO's are current LEO, putting the blame on the right to own a firearm isn't the issue. SRO's actually stopped the threat.

There were phone calls that morning with the threat and nothing was done.

He was on the FBI's radar

This is what Harris feels about LEO in schools


There were many failures, putting it at the feet of the 2nd amendment is a disservice imo.


Citizen of the Infernal Empire
Oct 20, 2015
as a father I’m tired of seeing all these school shootings. There’s a point where people’s amendment rights can be shoved up their asses. If you need to get your rocks off go shoot an AR-15 at the gun range. If you need a hand gun for home protection that’s fine. But there should be a proper vetting process in the mean time.

Schools should hire ex cops or military personnel for security purposes after passing a psych exam.
Yeah our Constitutional Rights supersedes everything. You should be upset with the Ssri they are pumping kids with. Be upset that these people are always interviewed and on the FBis radar and they allow it to happen. My guns never harmed anyone and have protected my family! They want to to feel that way to take guns away and you are right in lockstep!


Active Member
Jun 14, 2021
Do you think school shootings only happen with AR-15s? Do you think they don't use handguns for school shootings?


Mar 3, 2015
Majority of mass shootings happen with semi automatic weapons. That’s the point of using them. Cause as much harm in a short period of time.

again when children are dying and adults or kids are getting access to these guns. Whether it’s at home or the gun shop. Fuck your amendment rights. My child and everyone else’s children’s safety comes first


Live Free or Die
Dec 12, 2018
as a father I’m tired of seeing all these school shootings. There’s a point where people’s amendment rights can be shoved up their asses. If you need to get your rocks off go shoot an AR-15 at the gun range. If you need a hand gun for home protection that’s fine. But there should be a proper vetting process in the mean time.

Schools should hire ex cops or military personnel for security purposes after passing a psych exam.

try to get in a courthouse or city hall with a firearm of any kind see how far you get, why can't schools be as safe?

Georgia school shooting: Teen suspect's mom's criminal record part of emerging picture of troubled home life
14-year-old Apalachee High School shooting suspect's mother had criminal record

In Nov. 2023, Marcee Gray was arrested for scratching two words into the side of her husband’s truck, and for illicit drugs.

The arrest warrant states that Gray had a glass jar containing methamphetamine, a "baggie" containing fentanyl, another "baggie" containing multiple muscle relaxants, and a glass pipe "used for the ingestion of narcotics.

Alleged Apalachee High School shooter Colt Gray's father who purchased the firearm for his son birthday also said his son had been called "gay" by classmates in 2023 interview

...again his parents are pair that could beat a full house at least these dipshit parents are being prosecuted this time

take your kids out of the public school systems


Mar 3, 2015
would you feel better if they used a mini-14?
How about no guns lol.

what confuses me is, the right wingers are up in arms when a woman wants an abortion. Yet when the child is born they could care less lol. Kids are dying but they’re more concerned about their weapons lol.


Keep Your Rifle By Your Side
Mar 2, 2023
as a father I’m tired of seeing all these school shootings. There’s a point where people’s amendment rights can be shoved up their asses. If you need to get your rocks off go shoot an AR-15 at the gun range. If you need a hand gun for home protection that’s fine. But there should be a proper vetting process in the mean time.

Schools should hire ex cops or military personnel for security purposes after passing a psych exam.
As a father, I’m tired of hearing all of these words that I disagree with. There’s a point where people’s amendment rights can be shoved up their asses. If you need to get your rocks off, go disagree with an inanimate object. If you need to disagree with me, that’s fine. But there should be a proper vetting process in the mean time.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
How about no guns lol.

what confuses me is, the right wingers are up in arms when a woman wants an abortion. Yet when the child is born they could care less lol. Kids are dying but they’re more concerned about their weapons lol.
in canada we have never had a mass shooting with an AR-15 yet they are banned . we had one shooting 35 years ago with a mini-14 and it has been brought up as an example of gun violence ever since . there is a saying....its not the arrow...its the indian . a gun isnt the problem. its the unhinged person who pulls the trigger. look at the UK. no guns but people are getting stabbed left right and center .


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
as a father I’m tired of seeing all these school shootings. There’s a point where people’s amendment rights can be shoved up their asses. If you need to get your rocks off go shoot an AR-15 at the gun range. If you need a hand gun for home protection that’s fine. But there should be a proper vetting process in the mean time.

Schools should hire ex cops or military personnel for security purposes after passing a psych exam.
I have always liked you, and always will no matter how this conversation ends up, but you couldn't be more wrong with this statement.
It's un American and Un manly.

A man protects, he doesn't count on others to do so. He doesn't blame his situation for his circumstances.
Your job, as a father, is to build future functioning citizens. Not in a what if fantasy, you build them for the world they will enter.
The world they are entering in no more or less dangerous than the one our founding fathers met.
It only seems different because there are so many goddam people.

What you are advocating goes against everything America was founded upon, our ability to defend ourselves and create our own destiny.

I won't go any further with this and I won't talk shit. I know I'm already on the line.
If you want to have an honest debate I'll do it all day, and I'll "win", because my position doesn't come from the place of fear, it comes from hard facts, a belief in the constitution, and the acknowledgment that a man is responsible for his own destiny.


Mar 3, 2015
in canada we have never had a mass shooting with an AR-15 yet they are banned . we had one shooting 35 years ago with a mini-14 and it has been brought up as an example of gun violence ever since . there is a saying....its not the arrow...its the indian . a gun isnt the problem. its the unhinged person who pulls the trigger. look at the UK. no guns but people are getting stabbed left right and center .
There aren’t mass stabbings especially at schools. If they are, then it’s very rare. Sorry but it’s become a norm for school shootings and there’s a certain gun of choice.

kids lives>guns