General The democrats just surrendered

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Mar 3, 2015
I have always liked you, and always will no matter how this conversation ends up, but you couldn't be more wrong with this statement.
It's un American and Un manly.

A man protects, he doesn't count on others to do so. He doesn't blame his situation for his circumstances.
Your job, as a father, is to build future functioning citizens. Not in a what if fantasy, you build them for the world they will enter.
The world they are entering in no more or less dangerous than the one our founding fathers met.
It only seems different because there are so many goddam people.

What you are advocating goes against everything America was founded upon, our ability to defend ourselves and create our own destiny.

I won't go any further with this and I won't talk shit. I know I'm already on the line.
If you want to have an honest debate I'll do it all day, and I'll "win", because my position doesn't come from the place of fear, it comes from hard facts, a belief in the constitution, and the acknowledgment that a man is responsible for his own destiny.
I understand everyone will have different views. But I’m teaching my daughter the values that Jesus taught and preached. That didn’t involve hate, guns, violence etc


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I understand everyone will have different views. But I’m teaching my daughter the values that Jesus taught and preached. That didn’t involve hate, guns, violence etc
Jesus has no horse in this race, he said his piece and died. You, however, are doing a disservice to your child if you are teaching her fairy tales.

The only thing that stops a killer is another killer.

Man the fuck up and admit this.
You are arguing with multiple former LE. We're saying what we're saying for a reason.

Society is a mirage, a trick of the light.
We are animals. And times are getting tougher... you are raising a future victim if this is the bullshit you're preaching at the dinner table brother.

Wanting things to be one way doesn't make it true, or even possible.

You should be embarrassed.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I understand everyone will have different views. But I’m teaching my daughter the values that Jesus taught and preached. That didn’t involve hate, guns, violence etc
sell your cloak and buy a sword - jesus christ


Mar 3, 2015
That’s where our views are different lol. I believe in a higher being you don’t. You’re mentality is different than mine.

I’m not ashamed because I love Jesus nor am I ashamed of teaching my daughter that. At 6 she already has more empathy and love then most adults I know.

This is just a short stop for humans before we move on to our eternal life. That’ll be your decision on where you end up.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
using a guy who was literally killed by the State isnt the best argument for banning guns

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Quick one:

Dumbocrats always hide. Does anyone know a dumbocrat?

if so, please have them message me and I’ll give his/her/shim/ron my phone number


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
I’m not ashamed because I love Jesus
Neither am I. I love Jesus too.

But he ain't ever stopped a bullet.
Faith isn't a shield brother, it's just a code.
Your crucifix only covers what it covers, the rest is on you.

Making this a religious argument just shows your disconnect from reality.

If Jesus actually had my back I wouldn't have had to wear Kevlar.
Or, maybe, Jesus told me to put on my armor and move forward.
One possibility is as probable as the other...
Maybe Jesus told me to duck?
Told me that I shouldn't go around that corner?
Maybe he told me to always maintain my weapons?

Faith is profound, but it isn't bulletproof.

God is letting us sort this out amongst ourselves, imo.

You can decide to be one of the people doing the sorting, or be one that gets sorted.
Jesus has nothing to do with it.
This is our earthly burden.
If you believe in judgment, you need to understand that you are failing.

Papi Chingon

Domesticated Hombre
Oct 19, 2015

The democrats didn't give up, they just realized that this weaponization campaign isn't helping as Kamala is falling in the polls. They got their marching orders and miraculously both judges delayed cases. What you may have missed is what Chutkan did in D.C. for Jack Smith. In the story linked above with the timeline:
"In a court filing, Chutkan ordered the prosecution to complete all evidentiary disclosures by September 10. Reply briefs from Trump’s team in support of two motions they filed are due on September 19. "The Reply briefs shall also identify any specific evidence related to Presidential immunity that Defendant believes the Government has improperly withheld," Chutkan wrote of the defense's reply brief.

Smith’s opening brief on presidential immunity is due by September 26, and Trump’s response is due October 17. The government’s reply and opposition is due October 29. "After briefing, the court will determine whether further proceedings are necessary." The October 29 deadline comes just one week before the election."

What this means is Jack Smith gets to make whatever public statements he wants about the bogus charges, crimes, coverup etc... just one week before the election, to give MSM their talking points.


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
How about no guns lol.

what confuses me is, the right wingers are up in arms when a woman wants an abortion. Yet when the child is born they could care less lol. Kids are dying but they’re more concerned about their weapons lol.
Okay, that is so disingenuous.


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
Jesus has no horse in this race, he said his piece and died. You, however, are doing a disservice to your child if you are teaching her fairy tales.

The only thing that stops a killer is another killer.

Man the fuck up and admit this.
You are arguing with multiple former LE. We're saying what we're saying for a reason.

Society is a mirage, a trick of the light.
We are animals. And times are getting tougher... you are raising a future victim if this is the bullshit you're preaching at the dinner table brother.

Wanting things to be one way doesn't make it true, or even possible.

You should be embarrassed.
Just want to quote in case it wasn't read the first time


Mar 3, 2015
You can thank Adam and Eve for us not having eternal life lol. They chose to listen to evil over God. So that was the father’s punishment to us.

God gave us free will and never said we would be protected from evil on earth. The lord was tempted by the devil and said you can have everything on earth if you just worship me. The lord said no.

He said man and woman should procreate and teach your children about his teachings. The point is to love and fear God and be prepared for your after life.

When my daughter is a little older of course I will put her in self defense classes. Unfortunately that’s the world we live in. I understand there’s more evil than good because that’s the devils doing .


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
how so? That’s every right wingers argument points I see on social media. They care more about their gun rights then children’s lives
What if I told you social media wasn't reality? The people that squawk the most get the attention on social media but it is a miniscule of the reality of the populace of this country.


Mar 3, 2015
What if I told you I have family members and friends that are more concerned about their gun rights?


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
God gave us free will and never said we would be protected from evil on earth.
What's your definition of free will?
Hiding in the middle of the herd?

Just who do you think is on the perimeter dying so you don't have to?

In your world, do they go to heaven?
Or is it just the pussies that won't fight?


Citizen of the Infernal Empire
Oct 20, 2015
Majority of mass shootings happen with semi automatic weapons. That’s the point of using them. Cause as much harm in a short period of time.

again when children are dying and adults or kids are getting access to these guns. Whether it’s at home or the gun shop. Fuck your amendment rights. My child and everyone else’s children’s safety comes first
Typical leftie anti gun faggot! Never mention the SSRI these kids are pumped full of or the mental health crisis as this is another brainwashed tranny kid! Fuck any piece of shit wanting to take my constitutional right to bear arms!


Ghost of KVR
Nov 22, 2015
What if I told you I have family members and friends that are more concerned about their gun rights?
They told you they are more concerned about their guns than children dying?

This was your comment.

"The right wingers are up in arms when a woman wants an abortion. Yet when the child is born they could care less lol. Kids are dying but they’re more concerned about their weapons lol."

They literally told you that?


Mar 3, 2015
Free Will….

the idea that God has given humans the power to make their own ethical decisions, such as whether to do good or evil, right or wrong, or to pursue virtue or wickedness.


Citizen of the Infernal Empire
Oct 20, 2015
How about no guns lol.

what confuses me is, the right wingers are up in arms when a woman wants an abortion. Yet when the child is born they could care less lol. Kids are dying but they’re more concerned about their weapons lol.
I don't give a shit if you lefties kill off a generation and use abortion as birth control. You can kill all you want until the baby can live outside womb. This full term madness is insane!