My portfolio has made gains as well, but they'd be a lot greater if it wasn't for the repeated shitty behavior of CEO's. But those are the risks you take investing in the kosher casino.
Now onto your lack of healthcare.
There's pretty much a consensus that almost all of our elected officials, at the highest levels, are wholly owned by corporations and special interest groups, correct?
If that's the case, how is it possible that the CEOs of these corporations had no influence or direction in the design and implementation of the ACA and probably every other shitty healthcare related law or mandate that's fucked over millions of Americans, including yourself and other members of this forum? Especially when so many healthcare corporations and entities have seen record profits, and their CEOs have received record pay since its passing. Is that just dumb luck? Maybe just coincidence and happy accidents?
It might just be my autism and overall tardiness, but that's a hump I'm having a hard time getting over.