General CEOs didn't strip my healthcare

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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Some of us have actually taken economics classes. Perhaps seek out some of your own disingenuous advice.
The idea that fiduciary responsibility is responsible for high costs is ridiculous.

Do you even know what that is?

Do you know what fiduciary responsibility prevents a CEO from doing?

Do you know why ESG scores were even created?

Let me help you.. They are actually there to circumvent fiduciary responsibility.

A big reason why are in the mess we are in right now is individuals trying to get around fiduciary responsibility.

Medicine in particular is highest regulated industry that exists.

Look at the difference in costs between veterinary care and medical care (for humans)... Most of that difference is due to regulation.

A surgery that's 5k from a vet but 150k in a human is largely due to regulatory differences in the industry.. Not due to fiduciary responsibility or any healthcare CEOs.

You can treat lymphoma in a dog (just random example) for like 5-10k on average and costs run into 200-300k+ for a human..

Thats like 90% due to differences in regulations.

That the government.. Not healthcare CEOs or "fiduciary responsibility".


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
The idea that fiduciary responsibility is responsible for high costs is ridiculous.

Do you even know what that is?

Do you know what fiduciary responsibility prevents a CEO from doing?

Do you know why ESG scores were even created?

Let me help you.. They are actually there to circumvent fiduciary responsibility.

A big reason why are in the mess we are in right now is individuals trying to get around fiduciary responsibility.

Medicine in particular is highest regulated industry that exists.

Look at the difference in costs between veterinary care and medical care (for humans)... Most of that difference is due to regulation.

A surgery that's 5k from a vet but 150k in a human is largely due to regulatory differences in the industry.. Not due to fiduciary responsibility or any healthcare CEOs.

You can treat lymphoma in a dog (just random example) for like 5-10k on average and costs run into 200-300k+ for a human..

Thats like 90% due to differences in regulations.

That the government.. Not healthcare CEOs or "fiduciary responsibility".
And now we've entered the "making numbers up out of thin air" portion of your well informed argument. Ffs.


Free Hole Lay Row
Nov 17, 2023
I've gathered a spreadsheet of how many CEO's, purple haired lesbiands, and far white nationists we have here just by this thread alone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Exploitation of the regulatory environment by greedy MBAs imo. Nobody respects the rules in America.
Why is PRIVATE healthcare so much cheaper in other countries.. USA has the most competitive consumer goods industry in the world... Why are CEOs in that industry not greedy but healthcare CEOs are? They're all MBAs going to the same schools. Does healthcare just attract shitty execs while other industries don't?

Or maybe... The difference is the regulatory environment.


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
Lol @ using the top summary result off Google to argue a point online on a topic you don't know anything about


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2024
Lol @ using the top summary result off Google to argue a point online on a topic you don't know anything about
Ok look at top 3-4 results. They all say the same shit.

Another one for the ignore list.


The Most Consistent Motherfucker You Know
Jul 22, 2015
Lol @ using the top summary result off Google to argue a point online on a topic you don't know anything about
"The problem with American healthcare is all the regulations. As proof, I will point to places with have cheaper healthcare costs and much more regulation."


Custom title
Jun 24, 2022
"The problem with American healthcare is all the regulations. As proof, I will point to places with have cheaper healthcare costs and much more regulation."
Everyone gets in over their skis at times in a debate or argument. But consistently doubling down and being a cock every time about it like that dude is so annoying. The fear of being wrong is a plague in the modern day internet world. Just Google it and now you're an "expert". It's crazy.