Joaquim Campa has the potential for a very good youtuibe site if he tranfers all of his twitter stuff over there.
Like them or not, this is one of the funniest things I've ever seen in a congress/parliament/Bundestag of any country*Top 7
That WWI BBC series is awesome, glad you enjoyed it.Hickok45- ol’ boy that like to talk and shoot guns. Best channel around
I’m not Norm- Norm McDonald clips
Voxis Productions- A puppet reviews and takes the piss out of movies. Funny stuff
MMA World/MMA on point
WW1 Documentaries- 26 part BBC doc from 1964. It’s incredible
Thanks@Grateful Dude
I still have to finish the WWI series (went on a serious Forensic Files bender) before I start this one, but I’m looking forward to it.That WWI BBC series is awesome, glad you enjoyed it.
I've been going hard after episodes of Battlefield, which is a WW2 series. Also incredible. It breaks down each side involved in a particular battle, the key equipment and weapons used, strategy of each side, etc. I love the format, and think you may like this too. If I did this link right, there should be 30 episodes for WW2 battles.
Meh, if you want proper movie reviews, check out Mauler or E;R.I find The Critical Drinker to be unwatchable due to his fake drunk accent. I know it's his schtick, but it just annoys the hell out of me.
He should sacrifice his liver for the sake of authenticity, and do every review shitfaced!
I love Sam.Sam the cooking guy - Food porn
YourMomsHousePodcast - Comedy
Associated Press - News
Hickok45 - Guns
PoliceActivity - Police activity
Steve!!I like my youtube obscure and weird
Steve1989 fits the bill
I love Gun Jesus.Hickok 45 - A gun channel that neither bashes guns or tries to sell you stuff. No tacticool posing, just calm demonstrations of a variety of guns.
Forgotten Weapons - Gun Jesus going over old and/or unusual weapons
Lock Picking Lawyer - The guy is really good at picking locks and explaining how
Diane Jennings - Cute and fun Irish girl
Donut Operator - Lots of stuff, but particularly the shooting breakdowns
I love this kind of stuff too.Thanks for sharing these@Megaterio Llamas ,they're fascinating.
I just watched Levan vs. Jerry CadoretteDeboss Garage - custom vehicle builds
skippy62able (aka LA Beast) - the last of the OG youtubers still around. Have a good day!
South Main Auto - auto repair, this dude is a genius when it comes to diagnosing any problem
Devon Larratt and a bunch of other arm wrestling channels (Arm Wars, East vs West, Voice of Armwrestling, etc.)