General Top 5 Youtube Channels

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Grateful Dude

TMMAC Addict
May 30, 2016
Hickok45- ol’ boy that like to talk and shoot guns. Best channel around

I’m not Norm- Norm McDonald clips

Voxis Productions- A puppet reviews and takes the piss out of movies. Funny stuff

MMA World/MMA on point

WW1 Documentaries- 26 part BBC doc from 1964. It’s incredible
Thanks Grateful Dude @Grateful Dude
That WWI BBC series is awesome, glad you enjoyed it.

I've been going hard after episodes of Battlefield, which is a WW2 series. Also incredible. It breaks down each side involved in a particular battle, the key equipment and weapons used, strategy of each side, etc. I love the format, and think you may like this too. If I did this link right, there should be 30 episodes for WW2 battles.


Big Dummy

Cream of the Crop
Dec 15, 2018
That WWI BBC series is awesome, glad you enjoyed it.

I've been going hard after episodes of Battlefield, which is a WW2 series. Also incredible. It breaks down each side involved in a particular battle, the key equipment and weapons used, strategy of each side, etc. I love the format, and think you may like this too. If I did this link right, there should be 30 episodes for WW2 battles.

I still have to finish the WWI series (went on a serious Forensic Files bender) before I start this one, but I’m looking forward to it.

The Pendulum

AI Posting
Dec 30, 2015
I find The Critical Drinker to be unwatchable due to his fake drunk accent. I know it's his schtick, but it just annoys the hell out of me.

He should sacrifice his liver for the sake of authenticity, and do every review shitfaced!
Meh, if you want proper movie reviews, check out Mauler or E;R.


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015
Sam the cooking guy - Food porn
YourMomsHousePodcast - Comedy
Associated Press - News
Hickok45 - Guns
PoliceActivity - Police activity
I love Sam.
I use a bunch of his recipes. The dude makes home cooking fun.
I liked his lockdown munchies series'.


TMMAC Addict
Jul 16, 2015
Hickok 45 - A gun channel that neither bashes guns or tries to sell you stuff. No tacticool posing, just calm demonstrations of a variety of guns.

Forgotten Weapons - Gun Jesus going over old and/or unusual weapons

Lock Picking Lawyer - The guy is really good at picking locks and explaining how

Diane Jennings - Cute and fun Irish girl

Donut Operator - Lots of stuff, but particularly the shooting breakdowns
I love Gun Jesus.
How does he find those guns?
And that knowledge to break them down?
He loves those french guns :)


Formerly someone other than Banjaxo
Nov 16, 2019

He finds cheap broken mowers / generators / anything engine powered at yard sales, and tries to get them running.



Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
I hate youtube anymore.
SDBullion on Friday nights.
Danny Jones podcast
Any learning stuff


Active Member
Feb 10, 2020
Deboss Garage - custom vehicle builds
skippy62able (aka LA Beast) - the last of the OG youtubers still around. Have a good day!
South Main Auto - auto repair, this dude is a genius when it comes to diagnosing any problem
Devon Larratt and a bunch of other arm wrestling channels (Arm Wars, East vs West, Voice of Armwrestling, etc.)


Pulse on the finger of The Community
First 100
Jan 16, 2015
Deboss Garage - custom vehicle builds
skippy62able (aka LA Beast) - the last of the OG youtubers still around. Have a good day!
South Main Auto - auto repair, this dude is a genius when it comes to diagnosing any problem
Devon Larratt and a bunch of other arm wrestling channels (Arm Wars, East vs West, Voice of Armwrestling, etc.)
I just watched Levan vs. Jerry Cadorette


Rock Kicker
Sep 28, 2017
These days its..
Angry Electrician
The Why Files
Vice Grip Garage
Count Dankula
Dirt Lifestyle

But thats just "lately", my interest is all over the place.