I had something last night. Woke up at like 2am with my stomach killing me. Soon after that I felt like my whole body was cramping up. Went to the bathroom, but couldn't do anything and the cramping got worse. Went back to bed and stomach got worse. Back in the bathroom and now I feel like I'm on the verge of shitting my brains out or hurling my guts up...but I'm not sure which and either felt like it could happen at any moment. Then I start PROFUSELY sweating all over my entire body, but it's cold sweat. I'm drenched like I was breaking a fever or something. I finally shit like crazy twcie and it was ultra painful. By this point, I'm dizzy. Go back to bed and feel like I should just pass out, but can't sleep. I just kinda lie there the rest of the night and still felt like ass after I got up a few hours later. I ate a little and it eased off, but WTF that shit was is beyond me.
My daughter has some kinda flu, but no stomach issues like I did, and I don't have any flu symptoms.