How could you believe that conspiracy theory?
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How could you believe that conspiracy theory?
Written in ENGLISHWas the Constitution written in Hebrew Or Aramaic?
It was written in fukn murican.
Lol it's not understood at all. You'll get fired from your job for tweeting about the black violence problem. You'll get a shitload of excuses and denials, etc. Somehow Whitey will get blamed.Totally fucking normal
I find it utterly fascinating that despite being only 6% of the nation, black males are responsible for 55% of violent crime, and that is understood as an issue to tackle.
HOWEVER, we find that the Jewish footprint is equally IF NOT FAR MORE present in matters of world domination in the:
-Pornography business
- "Entertainment" industry(sports and hollywood)
- media industry
- banking cartels
- Politics
- Medical depopulation
And it is verboten.
I happen to like the Jewish people I've met, have traveled the "holy land", have a Hebrew name, appreciate the positive discoveries attributed to them etc. etc.
We don't know exactly who "they" are.
'They" don't know exactly who they are.
THEY don't know the origins of their own faith.
And they present as an angel in white, despite Yakov aka Jacob aka Israel being a clear conniving deceiver.
Khazarian mafia, blood sacrifices, disgusting & weird rituals is what I see going back to pre-Canaanite religion.
In truth, truth itself should be discussed & in the light, not hidden, aka deceived.
Only liars & deceivers stifle discussion.
Those who do stand accused.
Truth above all.
We speak American, not english. Brits talk like a bunch of fags and add unnecessary vowels to words like the dutch.Written in ENGLISH
Their mental illness is alarming.Oy vey! If only the victim had actually been the Christian she was suspected to be!
I'll definitely watch.One of the most enlightening podcasts you'll ever watch.
I applaud him for saying that but he needs to stop beating around the bush and come out and say's the fucking jews.
This is the most anti-semitic thing I have ever read on the internet. It made me blush.
That's a parody account.This is the most anti-semitic thing I have ever read on the internet. It made me blush.
Bravo, RFK Jr.