Getting rid of Facebook - anyone else happier?

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Insert Crown here
First 100
Jan 14, 2015
Nope never started with that shit, my wife has an account, sometimes she shows me the shit people post.
I'm not interested in what people had for diner or what shirt there wearing or what ever the fuck is going on with john from 2nd grade or alice from 3rd grade.

The people i care about, i'm in contact with, if not i probably don't give 2 shits about what's going on with them.
I FUCKING hate when people start with, "you know i read on facebook, or someone on facebook told me" and make a point out of it when 9 out of 10 times the dude that was typing it was talking out of his ass.

check it

kids need ninja shit too
Jul 23, 2015
i just recently realized you can friend/ follow people here... what's that all about??

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I only use facebook to follow businesses and enter contests from tv, I use instagram for friends and Twitter to follow pornstars.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
LOL @ people who quit Facebook and then try and make it sound lame to those who use it! Tying to pretend that your life is now suddenly mystically better than those who are using it is wacko. It's like the guy who is an alcoholic going on an anti-booze rampage when he gets sober.

Here's the deal, if it doesn't work for you, then don't use it. Like anything else in life, you work it, don't let it work you.
Lol, that's nothing close to what I did or implied. I pretty much explained that it was my social circle that made it bad for me, and that it has its great uses, but because of the people around the scene I associate with it's really hard to benefit from that.

What a strange observation on your part. I take it you didn't actually read through the shit. Chill out guy.

I never once said anything like "people who use Facebook are whackos" or idiots or anything like that. I was talking about my experience personally for ME and asked if anyone else felt the same way. I did not say, in anyway at all, that if someone does use and enjoy it, that is a bad thing.

You're an odd one.


Posting Machine
Oct 21, 2015
I have 2 friends who are too cool for FB . . . yet they're always asking me about stuff that they saw on their wife's FB.


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
Then again Dougie, you have like more than 100,000 posts on the UG over a 20 year span. Maybe I shouldn't actually take time to read into a single thing you say - every interaction I've had with you was negative, and literally all stemmed from your end. It's weird, and I can happily prove that, because I have never said anything mean spirited or troubling to you, once. Yet the only times I've seen you reply to me, you do shit like this. Or troll the forum in general. Then again, 100k posts, 15+ years... who knows how the hell you get to that point in life. If I ever spend 20 years of my adult life posting literally hundreds of thousands of times on internet message boards, just take me out to pasture.

I took a 2 week break from this board because of the negativity and influx of assholes in the last 2 months. I came back last night and within less than a day, 3 people on 3 diff threads acted like complete dicks to me for no reason - insulting, name calling, or stuff similar to your bizarre tirade comparing me to an ex alcoholic.

I don't get why people feel the need to quote and reply to others with negativity, attacking them, without being remotely provoked. That is what made the UG a shit hole, and why this place was made, to get away from the mentality and attitude of posters like you and the others who can't seem to engage in conversation without bringing others down or needlessly insulting people.

Then again, you are pretty much a troll who, as stated, has spent nearly 2 decades posting hundreds of thousands of times on internet message board. All while being twice my age. I never tried to make a single person feel bad for using Facebook. You're a fucking weirdo.

Happy to add another to my ignore list. Greatest thing to happen to this site. Peace


Posting Machine
First 100
Jan 18, 2015
And I fully expect the troll brigade to leave lame replies to the post I just made, but happily, I won't be able to see them all

It's not about taking shit too serious, it's about not understanding way people act that way. This place is the best, but for the first few months it opened, you rarely if ever saw negativity and arguments. Now every single day I do. it's fucking bizarre. I just can't comprehend how, out of all my posts about FB, that is the conclusion you came too - that I'm too cool for something and anyone who doesn't agree is a "whacko"

How are you even a real human being with a brain? Are you so socially dysfunctional that you can't understand things, and that is why you live your life on the internet even though you're like 50?

Fuck these people. I just want to discuss MMA, and other shit, in a normal way. No insulting, no trolling, no being a fucking dick for no reason. The internet is a cesspool honestly.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I have 2 friends who are too cool for FB . . . yet they're always asking me about stuff that they saw on their wife's FB.
Yes, those types, similar to the "I don't watch TV" crowd. A Hipsteresque mentality.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
I just got FB and its scary how it knew who my friends were IRL

True. People I only have on my phone, suddenly appear on my FB recommendations. There is no other link that would able Facebook to connect me with those people.

check it

kids need ninja shit too
Jul 23, 2015
i just followed you...i'm testing the nothing happens theory.

eta: lookoutawhale @lookoutawhale i see you in a little box all by yourself on the right side of the forum.


Auslander Raus
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
i quit fb like 5 years ago.i just dont care about other peoples bullshit.i dont want people to know my business.i dont want to be your neighbor on farmville .i dont care what you kid said today.idont care what your gf/bf did to you .i do not have 327 friends .if i havent talked to you since highschool there probably is a reason.i thought of starting a new fb profile just to keep in touch with family but fuck it. they all know where i live and how to get a hold of is obviously not for people like me.

Rabid foam

Active Member
Nov 4, 2015
Got rid of my Facebook a little over a month ago. It was an excellent decision that strengthened friendships that were suffering.

Deleted member 1

LOL @ people who quit Facebook and then try and make it sound lame to those who use it! Tying to pretend that your life is now suddenly mystically better than those who are using it is wacko. It's like the guy who is an alcoholic going on an anti-booze rampage when he gets sober.

Here's the deal, if it doesn't work for you, then don't use it. Like anything else in life, you work it, don't let it work you.

That's kind of an unfair description of what's happening in this thread.

And there's research that backs the idea that, as a population, facebook makes you less happy with your place in your social circle and life.

Facebook Use Predicts Declines in Subjective Well-Being in Young Adults

Nothing mystical about it. Social media in its various forms has positive and negative consequences. Evidence based.

Deleted member 1

The criticisms are valid, but you're also correct that it's a useful planning tool in an age where most people don't really talk on the phone. The solution is to cull the fuck out of your friends list. I went from 400-something to 60-something overnight.

Warning: People, including people you barely know, will be butthurt that you cut them. I respond honestly that I only use it to make plans with people I routinely see IRL.

I started banning people when I was doing this for that exact reason. That way I we wouldn't keep being recommended to each other by facebook.

How interesting that there is a new social nuance and edicate


Oct 17, 2015
I never started with Facebook and only peripherally engage in any social media. As a former network/security engineer I am wary of my information being available to the entire world even if you can make pretty much everything 'private'. Your family/friends always does something stupid like uploads pictures of you to show off or some shit.

I don't want to get started with that madness.

I am totally unconcerned with who 'likes' me, on the Internet or in person.
This all day.

Deleted member 1

i just recently realized you can friend/ follow people here... what's that all about??

For a feature we don't prominently use, there is a feed so you can be away from the forum and come back and interact specifically with those people you want. Birdwatcher and I follow the shit out of each other so we can remind each other that we are two ugly guys that married up

check it

kids need ninja shit too
Jul 23, 2015
well alright. looks like i'm gonna know everything lookoutawhale does from here on out.

i hadn't realized there were all the profile options either...good to know.