FRAT Warning (scroll to bottom for non FRAT version)
I want to get a broader perspective on an issue that has once again reared its ugly head in my family life.
Background; My wife is a Korean Protestant, she is in my estimation batshit insane about it, thinks she has a special audience with God and that her pastor is the earthly conduit. Bitch thought Catholics killed Jesus until I pointed out the "Catholics" in the Passion of the Christ are in fact Jews and that Catholics werent an itch in God's nut sack at the time his son walked the earth on water.
Im a follower of my own hybridized version of Hinduism/Buddhism, I eat beef like no one else, dont observe any religious festivities, dont pray I just basically believe in karma and that shit will bite me in the ass if I dont do the right thing on this earth.
When Mrs Sweat Tea was preggas with our first we agreed that the kids would not be indoctrinated in either faith and that when they are old enough to learn and decide for themselves (CIRCA 16ish) which the cunt has now conveniently forgotten (again)
Every few months at she goes nuts claiming we cant be a family unless the kids attend church with her a couple of times a week and threatens divorce (lol bitch please). She has told the kids she cant live with us unless they are Christian and told them they are going to hell. She has told me me and my family (who carry her financially) are going to hell too.
Then she calms down and stops talking about it for a few months. Ive even offered to compromise and attend a multicultural church once a week for an hour like normal church goers do but apparently the Koreans are the only ones who believe in the right brand of Christianity and that we need to go to a Korean language service where she is a "cell group leader" hahaha cant work FT job but is a "leader"
This has reared its head again today, Im now considering taking her to the family law courts and getting a ruling on it which will be in my favor 99%.
Divorce and Competing Religious Beliefs - Zande Law
Anyone had any experience with this directly or indirectly? any advice? not nec legal but any ideas are warmly welcomed
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Wife is using emotional blackmail and ultimatums to try and convert the kids and I into Christians, kids aged 6 & 8 and I are not interested.
I want to get a broader perspective on an issue that has once again reared its ugly head in my family life.
Background; My wife is a Korean Protestant, she is in my estimation batshit insane about it, thinks she has a special audience with God and that her pastor is the earthly conduit. Bitch thought Catholics killed Jesus until I pointed out the "Catholics" in the Passion of the Christ are in fact Jews and that Catholics werent an itch in God's nut sack at the time his son walked the earth on water.
Im a follower of my own hybridized version of Hinduism/Buddhism, I eat beef like no one else, dont observe any religious festivities, dont pray I just basically believe in karma and that shit will bite me in the ass if I dont do the right thing on this earth.
When Mrs Sweat Tea was preggas with our first we agreed that the kids would not be indoctrinated in either faith and that when they are old enough to learn and decide for themselves (CIRCA 16ish) which the cunt has now conveniently forgotten (again)
Every few months at she goes nuts claiming we cant be a family unless the kids attend church with her a couple of times a week and threatens divorce (lol bitch please). She has told the kids she cant live with us unless they are Christian and told them they are going to hell. She has told me me and my family (who carry her financially) are going to hell too.
Then she calms down and stops talking about it for a few months. Ive even offered to compromise and attend a multicultural church once a week for an hour like normal church goers do but apparently the Koreans are the only ones who believe in the right brand of Christianity and that we need to go to a Korean language service where she is a "cell group leader" hahaha cant work FT job but is a "leader"
This has reared its head again today, Im now considering taking her to the family law courts and getting a ruling on it which will be in my favor 99%.
Divorce and Competing Religious Beliefs - Zande Law
Anyone had any experience with this directly or indirectly? any advice? not nec legal but any ideas are warmly welcomed
*********************************************NON FRAT***********************************************************
Wife is using emotional blackmail and ultimatums to try and convert the kids and I into Christians, kids aged 6 & 8 and I are not interested.