Michael Bisping: 'I'm blown away' by Silva's 'arrogance'

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Zi Nazi
Dec 31, 2014

For the Brit who has never tested positive himself, but has fought a who's who list of opponents either using banned or controversial substances - and, as aforementioned, whose career has been affected by the prevalence of opponents using - he simply could not contain his noticeable disdain.

"And I just want to say something," Bisping notes. "Yeah, we're all chasing a dream. All fighters have a dream, a dream of being the champion. You gotta do it through hard work and determination. The fact of the matter is Anderson Silva tested positive for not one, not two, but three banned substances inside his body.

"While I respect him as a fighter, I've gotta say, I lost a lot of respect for him for that," he continues. "This fight represents me beating all of these people that want to cheat the system. I've never taken performance enhancing drugs in my life. Anybody that does should be ashamed. To call yourself a martial artist and to take performance-enhancing drugs is the biggest contradiction you could ever make. And to be honest, Anderson should be ashamed of himself."

For Bisping, Silva being bothered with his Twitter comments is must-mention material.

"[PED use in MMA] is something I am quite emotional about because it blows my mind," he began. "To be quite frank, I'm blown away by his arrogance. How on earth do you expect me not to mention that in your last fight, you tested positive for three banned substances? You expect me to not mention that?

LINK: Michael Bisping: 'I'm blown away' by Anderson Silva's 'arrogance' in PED use denial

Emma B

Emma B
Sep 12, 2015
What he said to some degree was correct, but most part is just typical Bisping. Guess you just get bored of the same old stuff people will say. I did like how he worded he wanted a title shot, it was very done very clever for Bisping, rather than just saying it how it is. He deserves some credit as previously stated. Will always be a gatekeeper though.

Emma B

Emma B
Sep 12, 2015
To be honest I could not bring myself to listen to it all some of the lines were not that good but Silva avoided the end question from the last reporter. Think the translator did not help much this time either!

Bobby Lupo

Don't be a scare
Oct 25, 2015
Bisping is still undefeated against clean fighters. Only drugs cheats can beat il Conte.

Robbie Hart

All Biden Voters Are Mindless Sheep
Feb 13, 2015
Bisping has to talk this up as this is his most relevant fight ever........and it's still a fight that will not lead to a title shot for either. Shame really, bisping got demolished by Luke, has no chance against weidman, would get absolutely demolished by both jacare and Romero, so where does that leave him? Matt Hamill rematch to avenge what was absolutely a loss that was gifted as a win to him?


Aug 29, 2015
He posted it on the other place that dan's prob the only person who used it how it was meant and by the book.
Let's not forget that at the time, many fighters had TRT exemptions which technically made it legal for all intents and purposes. This whole PED topic is much more of a gray area than most people think.