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Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Not going to jail. One of my funniest moments is getting 50 hours of community service for 2 aggravated assaults, drunk driving, resisting arrest, possesion of narcotics. The drunk driving alone has a mandatory sentence of 1 month. White privilege and working for Medecins Sans Frontier is THE SHIT.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Not going to jail. One of my funniest moments is getting 50 hours of community service for 2 aggravated assaults, drunk driving, resisting arrest, possesion of narcotics. The drunk driving alone has a mandatory sentence of 1 month. White privilege and working for Medecins Sans Frontier is THE SHIT.
Mother fucker and I did months on remand for fight I wasnt involved and a Miami Heat hat that got robbed (lost) in the fight I wasnt involved in well not directly anyway. I STILL dont know what sport Miami Heat play.

Check your white privilege Disciplined Galt @Galt


The Reigning Undisputed Monsters Tournament Champ
Oct 25, 2015
I have the useless skill of drawing and solving mazes. It takes people longer to solve my mazes then it takes me to draw them.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
They play basketball mate. It really is fucking ridiculous the shit that I've gotten away with. When they arrested me I was stomping the shit out of 2 dudes at a bus-stop. Granted they did start the fight because I beat up their cousin or whatever a few months prior. Fucking cunt had tried to rob me and then came into my school a few weeks later. Of course he caught a slapping.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
They play basketball mate. It really is fucking ridiculous the shit that I've gotten away with. When they arrested me I was stomping the shit out of 2 dudes at a bus-stop. Granted they did start the fight because I beat up their cousin or whatever a few months prior. Fucking cunt had tried to rob me and then came into my school a few weeks later. Of course he caught a slapping.
More shit the cops made up they called it a "Miami Heat baseball cap" fuckers.

Anyways a life time ago now...

I am really good at cleaning my inner ear with a bent paper clip, feels sooo good and now and again I pull out a yellowish blackened hard piece that I place in the palm of my hand and sniff over and over again...

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
lmao they just straight up fucked you lol think of it this way. Despite our vastly different backgrounds you're a lot more successful than I am.

The 2nd part of the post just proves my sentiment that we need to revert to the stone-age. Natural shit makes people happy, like smelling ear wax, spearing something and jacking off.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
lmao they just straight up fucked you lol think of it this way. Despite our vastly different backgrounds you're a lot more successful than I am.

The 2nd part of the post just proves my sentiment that we need to revert to the stone-age. Natural shit makes people happy, like smelling ear wax, spearing something and jacking off.
Meh define "success"

member 1013

They call me stoker cause when the bong stem if fully blocked with solidified resin Im the man they call to suck it clear, that is how hard I can suck
That was beautiful, poetic and erotic.