I hope they give Wand a suspended sentence w/ time served, and let the man earn a living. For fucks sake, he didn't murder anyone...didn't hold a lock to long, or hit someone after the bell. Move the fuck on already ya know.
Exactly, and it was a first offense. They made an example out of him... yet I can think of plenty of other guys who have done way, way worse. I mean Barnett failed THREE STEROID TESTS. Three! And he is still fighting. Wand ran away one time, he has one offense on his record, and they ban him for his entire life. How the fuck does that make any sense at all? Especially when you consider other guys have done exactly the same thing - high tailed it out of there and did NOT take the surprise test? Why exactly were they allowed to fight again, and Wanderlei was banned for life?
Overeem literally ran from a test, hopped on a plane across the damn ocean. Was he suspended for LIFE? Fuck no, not even close. And that was years before the Wand incident.
It's disgusting how they have treated him, and even worse that the UFC refuses to release him from his contract so he can at least make a living for his family fighting overseas. Dana is a piece of shit, just like a Don King type. Uses up fighters and then hangs them out to dry when they get older and are not of any use to him anymore. That is, unless you're one of his buddy pals, like Chuck, Forrest, or Hughes, Then you get a cushy "office job" where you basically live on a UFC salary without actually doing anything for the rest of your life. The other guys who fight and get brain damage for this company are cast aside with nothing more than a "good luck" from the promoter after they've had their skulls bashed in for the promotion on numerous occasions.
Both the banning of Wanderlei FOR LIFE on his first offense and the UFC REFUSING to let him out of the contract due to this are two of the worst things that have ever happened in MMA history. Just straight up vindictive, disgusting bullshit. Worst of all, to a legend who has given us so many epic fights, has treated the fans amazingly and been an ambassador to this sport for a long, long time.
The treatment of him makes me sick, I literally feel sick writing this. Wanderlei of all fucking people.. yet Overeem, a guy who not only was cheating but was openly mocking the fact by wearing "DRUG FREE" shirts while he walking around at 270 pounds of chemical induced muscle, didn't get nearly the punishment Wand did.. for doing the exact same thing, but worse.
God, I can't even think about this shit, that's how fucked up it is. Fuck them.