Alcoholism therapy is largely a bullshit industry

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Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
Thought Id write this up in case anyone here is dealing with "Alcoholism" as much for my benefit as their's.

Little history on my drankin, I drank to blackout stage EVERY night for 10ish years until late last year.

Typically Id consume a 1 liter bottle of cheap red wine followed by 4-6 full strength beers on an empty stomach, weed was in there too. For the last couple of years Id get sharp pains now and again in my upper right stomach/liver area. Towards the end of last year I noticed a few other symptoms the worst being loss of libido and loss of physical strength (Power lifted at a low level last few years) . No pun intended but I just had this gut feeling that something was wrong.

For years I trawled the various alcoholism forums and blogs looking for advice on how to quit and the common narrative was as follows;

- You will die or have major complications if you quit cold turkey.
- You will also damage your liver by quitting suddenly
- You will have a seizure
- You must take benzos for a couple of days at least.

Well I said "fuck it" and went ahead and tapered off without medical supervision, I went from the above consumption to 8 beers the first night of tapering, then 7 the next night and so on till I was down to 0 within a 9 nights. What I did to help was to start drinking one hour later each night during the taper, so ordinarily Id start at 18:00 so by the 9th night I stayed up till 02:00 then hit the sack after a bowl.

Here is what I experienced;

- First few nights I had some of the best dreams you could imagine, im talking Technicolor dreams as real as you could imagine. This stopped by the 3rd or 4th night of taper (bummer)
- Increased irritability, I was angry AF for days, slightest thing could set me off and I had zero support from the wife who would constantly try to goad me cause shes a fucking reject.
- Days 1-2 I felt like shit, like my head was going to explode until the kids asked me to take them to a frozen yogurt place, TA DA! it wasnt alcohol withdrawals that were making my head explode it was my body craving sugar, one small bowl and I was feeling 99% better.
- My numbers in the gym shot up in these first few days even while I felt crap, I benched a PB, Skwatted a PB all while feeling shit.

Before christmas I started drinking again almost as heavily as before but havent touched a drop (cold turkey) in the last two days, greatest empowerment was the first night off I had an altercation (verbal) with a relative which would normally "trigger" me lol to say fuck it Im drinking again but this time I thought "That POS cant control me I planned to quit and im gonna quit"

My advice to anyone facing this;

- I know youre stressing about the insomnia, DONT DONT DONT STRESS, youll be fine, a night or two of no sleep and no alcohol wont kill you, long term alcoholism will. Down load some movies, grab some books you want to read, destroy your cock watching porn all night just dont drink.
- The couple of days (honestly like a day and a half) where you are "withdrawing" still feels MUCH better than a mild hangover, you shall be fine. You WILL thank yourself, you WILL hate yourself for drinking when you know you shouldnt.
- Have lots of sweets and water on hand, eat and chug them both respectively.
- After the first two days no more sweets start the holistic lifestyle change, better diet, trane, work on yourself etc
- Again I stress dont worry about the insomnia, people told me this for YEARS and I second guessed them, I get rid of all the drink in the house and be ready to quit then panic when I knew the store was closing and run out and restock cause I didnt want to deal with not sleeping. Im retarded
- According to an addiction doc I spoke with during my last sober period, the heavy life threatening withdrawals only effect those who suffer one or a combination of the following (in which case disregard my advice and see a doc); crave alcohol within 3 hours of waking, throw up in the morning regularly, had a history seizures in the past either related to alcohol or not.

TL;DR - Quitting Alcohol is MUCH easier than you could imagine.

Best of luck...
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Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Yeah dont you quit, an entire cottage industry economy in the slums relies on your custom, the alcohol needs you sir
I know mang. Just yesterday my regular place was closed because P'Wusarns daughter Same Same was sick so I went down to this other Yaa Dong bar. Fucking owner had gotten his face busted the other day, stitched his forehead up lol. Gotta keep it dry and closed in the tropics.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
I know mang. Just yesterday my regular place was closed because P'Wusarns daughter Same Same was sick so I went down to this other Yaa Dong bar. Fucking owner had gotten his face busted the other day, stitched his forehead up lol. Gotta keep it dry and closed in the tropics.
Should have packed his mouth with salt and lit the blow torch

Jesus X

4 drink minimum.
Sep 7, 2015
I didn't quit drinking ,but instead I drink 90% less than I used to ,instead of a 12 pk I drink two beers,instead of 16 shots of tequila I drink 4.

Deleted member 1

According to an addiction doc I spoke with during my last sober period, the heavy life threatening withdrawals only effect those who suffer one or a combination of the following (in which case disregard my advice and see a doc); crave alcohol within 3 hours of waking, throw up in the morning regularly, had a history seizures in the past either related to alcohol or not

While these people are likely in the withdrawal group, its a poor measure.

You were easily in a high risk group as well.
Simply tapering down like you did was a very similar 'treatment' as using benzos.

But make no doubts, I've seen 6 pack a day drinkers run their heart rates up and get the shakes.

At a 12 pack a day equivalent like you, its very possible to have seizures and hallucinations with an abrupt stop. Everybody is different and its tough to predict.

Deleted member 1

Also congrats on the habit breaking. It takes balls to just commit like that.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
The guy who's phone I am typing this on was hooked on benzos, weaned him off of them with alcohol. Now he's back in Sweden doing time.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
While these people are likely in the withdrawal group, its a poor measure.

You were easily in a high risk group as well.
Simply tapering down like you did was a very similar 'treatment' as using benzos.

But make no doubts, I've seen 6 pack a day drinkers run their heart rates up and get the shakes.

At a 12 pack a day equivalent like you, its very possible to have seizures and hallucinations with an abrupt stop. Everybody is different and its tough to predict.
Ah okay they said that because I didnt get the shakes or crave alcohol until I was home (and got my shit done - daddy duties etc) I wasnt in a high risk group, this time Ive gone cold turkey, third night so im outta the danger zone yeah? no shakes, no craving, just finished my bench session and finished with 3 x 6 x 100kg BB rows (not bragging just sayin im fine).

Everyone should listen to Doctor Splinty, the addiction Doc I spoke with was in an online chat room so fuck knows who he was but knew all the jargon

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
The guy who's phone I am typing this on was hooked on benzos, weaned him off of them with alcohol. Now he's back in Sweden doing time.
Out of all people he came to you for addiction therapy? All the way from Sweden? haha

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
@Splinty am I reading this wrong? only 1-4% of alkies die from the DTs?

"Prevention is by treating withdrawal symptoms. If delirium tremens occurs, aggressive treatment improves outcomes. Treatment in a quiet intensive care unit with sufficient light is often recommended. Benzodiazepines are the medication of choice with diazepam,lorazepam, chlordiazepoxide, and oxazepam all commonly used.[4] They should be given until a person is lightly sleeping. Theantipsychotichaloperidol may also be used. The vitamin thiamine is recommended.[1] Mortality without treatment is between 15% and 40%.[7] Currently death occurs in about 1% to 4% of cases.["

Also I read that only 1 in 20 heavy drinkers (Heavy defined as a pint of vodka a day for 15 years+) will develop cirrhosis? - Edit - Its actually 15-20% Ill STFU.... The Epidemiology of Alcoholic Liver Disease

Ill try and cite that

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I know, people are fucking crazy. To be fair he did get off the benzos until he landed in Denmark. Seems like kidnapping is the new moneymaker in Sweden, laws haven't caught on yet. You just do a few months and can extort the shit out of people.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
I know, people are fucking crazy. To be fair he did get off the benzos until he landed in Denmark. Seems like kidnapping is the new moneymaker in Sweden, laws haven't caught on yet. You just do a few months and can extort the shit out of people.

Should be a treat for all the ISIS drop outs heading over....

Lamont Cranston

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
First 100
Jan 15, 2015

1) Congrats on getting and staying sober. Even 2 days is great.

2) You have typical alcoholic black and white, all or nothing, thinking. ie - "If it didn't work for me then it's cr@p." or "I did it so everyone can do it."

Quitting alcohol CAN and WILL kill you in many ways and I have seen it many times.

If quitting was so easy, everyone would do it.


TMMAC Addict
Oct 25, 2015
No experience with Alcohol abuse other than seeing my uncle destroy himself the hard way. I just happened to listen to an interesting Radiolab podcast about it today.

The Fix

Anyways, good luck.

Lord Vutulaki

Jan 16, 2015
No experience with Alcohol abuse other than seeing my uncle destroy himself the hard way. I just happened to listen to an interesting Radiolab podcast about it today.

The Fix

Anyways, good luck.
Thanks man, its easy AF, worst is that we live in our local Eat Street so when I walk down it I see all these motherfuckers drinking and feel jelly even though I dont miss it, then I look closer and ah ha! the majority of people are drinking soda or water... crisis averted

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
I'm gonna keep drinking, I have a vague memory of selling weed to some farang couple last night, but when I woke up my wallet was empty. I might have just given it to them. They just came over from India and told me I'd love it in Varanasi.

Disciplined Galt

Disciplina et Frugalis
First 100
Jan 15, 2015
Steak place has opened back up, they did some renovations including getting a roof. Gonna get a pork "steak" tonight.